
Are your sisters/brothers (or both) annoying?

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Assalaam O Alaikum

last question guys...bye

take care




  1. sometimes

  2. Brother - He isn't annoying

    He can be but can't everyone? :-)

  3. Actually, they either ignore me or we get along just fine.

  4. Yes, yes they are.

  5. i have only one brother , he's younger than me by a year..

    and i have no sisters..

    but yeah , he's sooooooooooooo annoying like a 5 years old child , and never appreciates anything i do for him , while he does nothing for me , but just that he keeps annoying me all the time..

    what can iu do? he's my bro , and i cant get rid of him , lol..

    so i just pray that allah will guide him and make him a better person with me..

    btw he's a great guy , he's in medical school , he's very intellegent and religious..

    i hope that allah will guide the whole muslim youth to the right path..

    always love & peace brought by islam..

  6. YES!! i believe everyone has told their bro/sis, "they are the most annoying person in the world!!"


  7. well duhhh

    aren't all them annoying?

  8. Two Words; HECK YES

  9. yess call her from this link;...

  10. Yes, sometimes, BUT I LOVE HER!!!!!!!

  11. Heckz yeah! My little brother tried to cut my hair last night!

    Can't live with them, don't wanna live without 'em. I guess that's the way it is...

  12. my bro is fine.

    he can get a little annoying

    but thats what you get from living with a bro who has nothing in common with you (exept your musical taste)

    which by the way he freaking rocks at the guitar mann!! he could play stairway to heaven by the age of 13!!!

    sorry im showing off

  13. NO! (sarcasim) yea!

  14. yeah, it's inevitable

    but we love each other anyway

  15. My sister is kind of annoying.

  16. Yeah, alot..

    But, on Saturday I went to this tournament thingy for 2 days and out of all the people in my family I missed my sister the most.. LOL.. I realised that I cant live without her.. : )  

  17. Yes definitely.

    and since I m the Eldes. everything is put on me.

    Sigh* life

  18. umm my sister is my age and she kool sooo but if otha people like people who r readin this right now have bros/sis tht u dont get along with just beat them up to teach them a lesson not to bother u  how simple can it be

  19. Sometimes, yes. In the most excrutiating, unbearable way.

    And then sometimes I love them so much it hurts. :P

  20. Yes, You would not believe!

  21. h-e-double-hockey-sticks-yes-!-!

  22. yes sometimes but love them anyway

  23. YES....

  24. no lmao...they dont annoy me- i have fun with them- as much as my friends and sometimes more-

  25. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters and we all get along great. I couldn't be happier with my family.  

  26. no lol shes 28 o.O she buys me sht :D so maybe im the annoying one :O haha w00t lvl 2

  27. Of course! It's in their job description. Siblings are suppose to be annoying. It's written in stone somewhere!

  28. More than less

  29. Yeah, my sister r so annoying. I want peace of mind but they never let me get it.

    By the way why is it your last question?     plz tell me

  30. Yes, but I try to be nice to them cos I love them!

  31. wa alaykum salaam. Ofcourse they are annoying arent all brothers and sisters annoying! But theyre always there for me when i really need them they can be a big help and when theyre not around suprisingly i miss them even the annoying lil things they do/

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