
Are your sneezes small or loud?

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  1. loud. really loud. You cant help the way you sneeze, it is an involunatary thing. I always apologise to those around me afterwards though. And if im in a library i try my hardest to stifle it but it hurts to so i usually just let it go and apologise.

  2. It depends, ma sneezes sometimes catch me out and explodes into a LOUD noise but when i feel one coming on, i try & keep it quiet! ;)

  3. Medium, I think... and I almost always cover my mouth when I sneeze.

    BTW, I think some people have very cute, small sneezes, and wonder how they manage to sound like that! =D

  4. loud


    .... thats me

  5. like a dog barking loud

  6. my sneezes are like really loud

    i know i got them from my dad

    haha lol

  7. 125 decibels loud.

  8. Let those sneezes out,it feels great. Not healthy to hold them in.

  9. Mine are medium, depending on how bad the cold was.  (I was friends with this one guy whose sneezes sounded like :AAAAACCCCHHOOOOOOOOOOOOEYYYY!!!!!!!!!) It was so funny! XD

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