
Are your teachers ever interested in the class relationships?

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my teacher admitted that they talk about the "scoop" in their launge. Now, am I the only one that thinks that is sad




  1. Oh gosh. I know several of my teachers who talk about it all the time. I'm in yearbook, and during my lunch hour i'll go eat in the yearbook classroom, and the teachers who eat in there spend most of their who lunch hour talking about teenage relationships. I think its hilarious...but i agree, it is sad. I think they're just sad that their high school years are over.

  2. ahah yeah

    im ta for my pe teacher and in the locker room she talks about who she think is cute and who would make a good couple...LOL she said me and another dude make a good couple and he asked me out on the same day!!! even tho i already knew he was gonna ask me out.. but it was on the saem day

  3. my teachers last year talked about american idol and johnny depp alot and they are like waaaaay over 25! some teachers are cool about the whole high school thing though...

  4. Once you grow up you will realize that wherever you spend your day becomes a big part of what you talk about.  Your teachers have the misfortune of spending their days with you and your friends and that may be the only thing they have in common with the other teachers so they talk about it together.  There is a good chance that they forget all about you once they get home and are with people they've actually chosen to be with, doing things they truly love to do.

    Is that what you would respect?  Teachers that don't care about you at all?  Teachers who don't think of you as people with lives worth discussing?  Why don't you try giving them the respect they are giving you and try understanding that the school day isn't their whole life any more than it is yours?

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