
Are your zodiac signs really tell you the future?

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do they really tell u who you r?




  1. No, Its tell you your character

  2. nope. they cant tell the future.

    but i believe they can tell your personality; but it depends sometimes it doesnt work for some ppl

  3. As a serious astrologer, I can tell you that your natal chart is an excellent indicator of your personaility.  Astrology has many different areas, including natal examination for identifying character traits, synatry to identify links between two people's charts, mundane astrology, which looks at the charts of geographical areas or inanimate objects and horary which makes predictions.

  4. It all depends if astrology is real. But God can always alter your future.

  5. Not even remotely.  Have you ever had a chart done by an astrologer?  Even if you know your birth place and your birth date and time, the best chart only gives vague, imprecise statements that can be interpreted to apply to ANYbody born on any date.  

    Have a look at these links and get the facts for yourself:

    Here's an example you may find interesting:

    "Reader Simon Nicholson, in the UK, shares the following amusing — and instructive — story with us....

        A friend came across a horoscope program — I think she downloaded it off the net. The idea was that you typed in your date of birth and it would generate a profile of your personality, along with predictions for the forthcoming week or two concerning health, wealth and love. She ran off printouts for all her friends and family, myself included.

        The reaction of most people was lamentably predictable; they marvelled at the uncanny accuracy of the profiles, "Oh that's me to a T" etc. etc., as well as the predictions. In vain I tried to point to the generic nature of the texts, the fact that people are simply not as unique as they like to think, and the vague wishy-washy style of the predictions. I was overruled. The consensus was that there had to be something in this astrology lark, and what did I know, I'm only an astronomy graduate.

        They had their comeuppance a couple of days ago, when my friend realised that the software in question was American in origin, and so used a reversed date format to that which we Brits use — the day and month are the other way round. In other words, the profiles and predictions she had been giving out, which everyone found so apt and accurate, were not for their birthdays at all! Someone born on the 11th of February would get a Horoscope for someone born on the 2nd of November, and so on! The fact that the astrobabble was based on a completely different birthdate had made no difference at all to its perceived "insights"!

    Why are we not surprised? Thank you, Simon! "

    In addition, if you search the JREF forum at, you will find information on specific scientific studies that have been done to validate astrology.  In every instance of an unbiased, double-blind study, the astrological chart failed to generate either a personality description, a life history, or a prediction of the future that were accurate for the person intended.

  6. it depends☺☻☺♥

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