
Are zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes??

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Are zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes??




  1. I answered this first myself..

    I mentally pictured a zebra, and decided i would have to say "Black stripes on White"

    Then googled for the topic and found this is what the experts say:

    "White with black stripes or black with white stripes?

    This is one of the most-asked questions about zebras. So what's up with the stripes? Zebras are generally thought to have white coats with black (sometimes brown) stripes. That's because if you look at most zebras, the stripes end on their bellies and toward the insides of the legs, and the rest is all white. However (there had to be a catch, right?), some zebras are born with genetic variations that make them all black with white stripes, or mostly dark with the striped pattern only on part of their coats. And as it turns out, zebras have black skin underneath their hair. So it kind of depends on how you look at it!"

    Guess they agree broadly with what i said.

  2. Zebras are black, with white stripes! Now, it's hard to believe, that's definitely not the answer I thought. Looking at the belly, where the black stripes fade, it'd seem smarter to to assume it was that they had white skin.

    But look at the muzzle of the zebra, as well as the lower rump. The skin is black!

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