
Are zombies real?Are they gonna attack me?

by Guest55604  |  earlier

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I got a book zombie survivol guide and I'm scared




  1. Don't go to the basement

  2. Im a zombie and Yes Im gonna attack you.

    Of course not, Zombies are Hollywood's created mythical creatures.

  3. Here's is my advice. You are a mermaid right are ur powers here?if they are u can use them in case they do

  4. I read that book, Brooks wrote it! I tell you, I'm glad I did. They're real and they will be attacking you soon. I don't know how much longer we can hold out here but we're - AHHHHHHHHHHH, RUN!

  5. You need to lay off Shaun of the Dead and Dawn of the Dead!

  6. Now you got me scared!

    please answer my emails!!!!!!!!!

  7. maybe they might be real some idiot can make a virus and infect someone or something and that's how it would start but they cant because how would they put it in a beaker or it would have to be contained really really good and if u don't make any noise if there passing u then ya. good luck and hope

  8. i suggest you dont smoke a joint right before reading those kind of books.

  9. yes they are real and you should definiteley buy loads of guns and ammo

  10. aww poor thing! no they are not real, lol no ones gonna attack u

    goodluck overcoming ur fear :)

  11. zombies only come after u if u post questions about them.... ur so screwed

  12. yepp there real and there gonna eat you at 2:30am


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