
Are zoos good or bad for animals? do you they harm the animals?

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tell me what you think and facts(tell me where you got the facts)




  1.  Alright, some of you people are stupid. So what if animals are eaten in the wild? That is part of nature and one animal will die to ensure another species survival. I personally believe that zoos are both good and bad.

    They are good in the fact that we can get closer to wild animals and study them and learn about them. Also, species that would have long gone extinct are being kept alive, purely through zoo breeding programs.

    Now, the reasons why zoos are bad. Animals were not meant to be put in cages. Full stop. They begin to get into stereotypic behaviours. These can severely injure the animals and cause them mental distress. Also, animals have as much as right as humans to be able to roam freely.


    Zoo animals live longer than animals in the wild.

    Zoos take good care of the animals.

    Animals in the zoo have lots of attention.

    Animals get food.

    Zoos help animals and put them in a safer environment.

    Animals wont have to worry about being hunted.

    Zoos save animals from extinction.

    Animals are protected in zoos.

    Animals can be treated well most of the time.

  3. Zoo's are bad, the animals get intense boredom and suffering include rocking, over-grooming, mutilation, neck twisting, chewing and bar biting, hyper-aggression, abnormal maternal behavior and feeding disorders. Also they put them in cages, HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE PUT IN A CAGE! And when they release the animal its either been in captivity to long or was born there so has NO basic survival skills, ya they live longer because they do nothing all day. Once again, HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO SIT IN A ROOM ALL DAY DOING NOTHING. They should have rights like all of us. We need to donate our money to places to pressurize wildlife places not cage them up and call it all good,ZOOS ARE ANIMAL CRUELTY!

  4. they do good becuse i did a debate about it and i won! and i'm so pretty and smart.

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