
Area 51.....what's really going on there?

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Area 51,is it just another military base or are there experiments going on there with alien technology?

Perhaps there are downed alien spaceships or maybe even alien life whatever form that maybe.

Or , considering that fear results in people becoming dependant and looking to governments for protection.....are the U.S government deliberately allowing the alien myth to continue,so they can secretly carry on with something more sinister at area 51?





  1. hello rise again good question.

    Area 51 is where they filmed the Apollo hoax,the similarities to the desert surrounding Area 51 as well as craters near the site to the lunar landscape is evidence of that. And of course, it's off limits today because presumably the sets are still there.

    It was also used to store ufo space craft that have crashed on earth. Our gov't tries to protect the people from the truth as to not panic the masses.

  2. Mainly defence projects, testing, engineering, scientists walking about trying to look busy.

  3. So a private pilot in a small airplane flies out of Las Vegas, and nearly out of gas, lands at an airfield, which turns out to be Area 51. He is met by military guards, and told he is in a restricted area. They interogate him, but he says his compas was broken, and he was lost. His compas was broken, they refuel his plane and send him home.

    The next day, the same plane and pilot land at Area 51, but with a passenger. Exasperated, they tell him that they told him not to return.  He says "Do anything you want with me, but, please tell my wife that I came here yesterday."

  4. Aliens could never reach Earth

    The gov't is happy you are worrying about Area 51 as long as you never wonder what happend to Areas 1-50

    Guy below me, you are insane

  5. its all alien to me.

  6. Area 51 is actually a military air base where government flights are maintained and viewed. There has been no real record of people ever finding any aliens there.

  7. I think people like Larry King are to blame for all this c**p.

  8. Chances are all sorts of secret tests go on at Area 51. Alien-related, though...? Doubt it.

    And DrMoonfaker, citing your sources as "self-taught scientist and engineer" is pretty much as good as saying "I'm making this up". You may as well leave that box blank and people will take you as seriously.

  9. Its were they faked the moon landings, according to my sources.

  10. you dont know if aliens are a myth. this is a vast universe.

    we cant be the only intelligence.

    but yes, area 51 is known for its alien technology and UFO's

    also the people that work there are said to be experimented people. area has no threat to the outside world. its secluded and

    doenst effect anyone except for the curious spectators.

    no one will ever know the secrets that the base keeps.

  11. Popular culture usually portrays Area 51 as a haven for aliens. The numerous conspiracy theories surrounding Area 51 have granted it a fairly high profile in popular culture, specifically in the area of science fiction.

  12. I would pay attention to what Billy Meier and the Plejarens say about Area 51, etc etc.  See (English Discussion Board) archives .. I haven't searched there, but that is a good place to start.

    There are various other UFO crashes besides the well heard of Roswell crash.  There is Kecksberg, and the one after Roswell, in New Mexico (the details escape me for the moment...).

    I've just watched Linda Moulton Howe (who runs the site) videotaped lecture titled Exopolitics - and it's all about a huge 1953 UFO crash - so big, that they could only bury it - and then built a research center on top of it - keeping it hidden within plain sight.  The odd thing, was for them to mark a large triangle around it, which is visible from the air.  Normally she is a good investigative reporter, etc - but this case seems very very strange indeed, and the info she reveals about it...

    It is very very difficult to know the true story about such things.  But I take notice of what Billy Meier and the Plejarens say about it...

  13. I don't believe there is any alien technology at 'area 51' or any where else in the world. simply because any species capable of interstellar travel isn't goning to come all this way and just crash!

    i have no doubt top secret aerospace and weapons research is being carried out there, you simply don't secure an area of land that big just to distract the public!

    having said that, i'm sure the US government loves the reputation 'area 51' has. It means people are watching the place and paying no attention to other places where the real work is being done! (by people, mean spys for the 'badguys', i doubt they care what you average conspiracy nut thinks)

    as for the things folk have claimed to have seen;

    1) anyone working there would face imprisonment if they devulged even the slightest detail of their work.

    2) anyone sitting at the outer fence won't have seen anything! even with a telescope, the place really is that big!

    i guess i'm an anti-conspiracy nut! a big secret base that everyone knows about! come on!

    But! if the government is up to something more sinister then surely a base in the antarctic would be more secure? penguins don't talk!

  14. Secret military base, allows testing of new technology developed by military contractors.  No alien UFOs (yes, aircraft that can't be identified), no aliens, just secret stuff they don't want the public (or the bad guys) to know.  Since it's secret, anyone can make up a bunch of BS and support the BS since the military won't allow cameras or visitors onto the base.  Anyone claiming to have worked there and seen aliens or UFOs is just milking the public for cash - plain and simple.

  15. Eden was Earth before the Jews arived.

    It was a peaceful prospeous Planet.

    h**l is what the Jews want to make out of this place, hence the Order of the Illuminati ==> The ones to set the World on Fire.

    And don't get me wrong, this has nothing to do with religion.

    There are 13 Bloodlines who interbreed with each other.

    Interbreed means brother marrys sister, mother marries son.

    Isn't that a sin by all religious standards?

    And they can all be genetically traced back to 4 females in egypt 14.400 years ago.

    They call themselfs the Illuminati and they are the Royal Bloodlines.

    They created Religion which is controlled by the "Freemasons".

    The Freemasons are the "Brotherhood of Death" and they try to Install a Deathwish into society.

    They want to die and they want to take us all with them.

    Now they have a new Weapon.

    This Weapon is called H.A.A.R.P. and it is located in Alaska.

    What they do is they sent a Watt Microwave into the Ionosphere which then bounces back and can create earthquakes storms and can burn us all.

    It is based on Nikola Tesla's patent.

    The earthquake in china/sichuan was created by them because strange unseen phenomenon were recordet just before the earthquake happened.

    You can all research it and I would be happy if you do.

    People need to get educated A.S.A.P. becaus knowledge is power and the "Freemasons" want you to be stupid.

    That's why they call us "Profane Goyim" or sheep/cattle to the slaughter.

    What happens is this.

    The Jews landet on this planet 14.400 years ago.

    They come from a race called the Annunaki.

    They created Religion and hide themself and their knowledge in the Occult.

    The Freemasons and the Wicca are the Occult and every "Magic" Ritual is spoken in Hebrew.

    Research history and you find that every War is started by Jews/Freemasons and was sponsored by Jews i.e. the Rotschild and Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan Kuehn & Loeb.

    Devide and Conqer.

    Divide the World into Nations and Religion and thus confuse the "Gentiles","Goyim","Profane", that are there names for us!

    Fuel Nationalism and Ignorance and make sure that every leader comes from a secret society and thus answers to the Rotschilds.

    Control Money, Religion and Leadership.

    Create poverty and fuel hatred.

    Channel this hatred like in Germany against the Jews.

    Make Wars and kill them all.

    The Word "Holocaust" actually means "To sacrifice a child".

    And that is what war really is, it is the death of children who are young and strong and thus a threat to them.

    All the weapons manufacturers are Jewish owned and staffed.

    Thus the Jews create one "Holocaust" after another.

    The ones who survive will obey everything they say.

    They will be happy Slaves or consumers and workers as they say.

    On December 21 2012 there will be a major problem.

    All Planets of our Solarsystem will align to the center of the Universe.

    That also means that all gravitational forces wil align and push into one direction.

    That means earthquakes and floods.

    Also our world will be in Darkness for 21 days.

    We have Time to prepare for it but Bush who is a Rotschild and a Jew and Britain and Israel want to create WWIII so that we can not prepare and so that we all die.

    Needless to say that they prepared well for this.

    They will be save when we will be dead.

    This is the Truth and you can choose to be Ignorant or you can choose to RISE up.

    Do NOT beleive me.

    Do your own research, you will find the same as I did.

  16. Nothing extra-terrestrial, it's just a military facility/base.

  17. Brian's answer is good.  Much the same as at Peenemunde in Germany during WWII. No aliens, mostly engineers and scientists.  Actually from Google Earth photos of the area, it looks as if not much was happening at all just recently.   A few sheds in the desert by a dry lake.  

    At least one UFO theorist has speculated that secret research on high performance aircraft has exploited the UFO-alien myth to disguise inadvertent sightings of these things.  Quite possible, but probably not used all that often.

  18. first is not an alien myth because many people have testifie they have seen  aliens. Area 51 and S-4 are the two main places were alien technology is beign tested

    What is really going on in area 51 is the military are creating super sonic planes that could reach the velocities mach 50 wich is already an anti gravity craft that can reach 50 times faster than the speed of sound

    aliens do exist but the reason they are not so public is because of chaos. i dont know the purpose of them visiting this earth but what i know by historical facts is  that since the begening of civilization  aliens have existided

    if you research the on summerian tablets you will noticed that there were aliens in this planet before humans, because we believe we were the first ones in earth but keep in fact humanity is new to the universe.

    Area 51 is manly Spaceships advancements and machinery

    And were you tend to find aliens is at the dulce base in New Mexico

  19. Something is going on there, but what exactly it is only people who 'Need To Know' that can truly answer that. Which they most likely never will. Shoot on site warnings

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