
Aren't American families too stretched to jaw on problems around a kitchen table like Obama & Biden?

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With two incomes, kids on their electronics or off on school projects, who has time to sit around the kitchen table? Obama and Biden describe the 1950's. Today it's grab food, maybe a kitchen buffet, and multi-task. It's all post its, text messages and sound bites.

Who the frick hangs out at the kitchen table once dinner's inhaled?




  1. Yes, Absolutely

  2. unfortunately no one does anymore that's why no one knows what their kids are doing.

  3. Actually, my family does that.  We lead busy lives: 2 jobs, kids in school, soccer practices for the kids, both my husbnad and I helping out a political campaign, parent teacher conferences (I'm a teacher and have kids, so double the conferences!).  However, we make it a point to everyday sit at the dinner table and talk as a family.  Even if we're just having a delivered pizza because no one felt like cooking, we still make it a point to have nightly conversations.  You have to make an effort to say that your family and that one hour a night are more important than distractions.

  4. I think Biden does. After losing his wife and 2 daughters in a car accident where his wife was struck by a drunk driver, Biden took a 3 hour Amtrak train home everyday from DC to see his kid. Fox news insults him for that saying that he didn't take his job in senate seriously

  5. It is surprising that Obama is spouting the family value rhetoric considering his background and political leanings...

  6. Its too bad your family doesn't take time to do what's really important.

    I feel sorry for you.

  7. We have dinner at the table, then it's like a huddle.

    "OK.... Break!"  It's important family glue but I agree

    we don't have time to sit around for hours but work

    out decisions in many other ways.

    When the kids go to bed, the wife and I do too, after

    the necessities for the next day are taken care of.

  8. i sit at the dinner table every night.and yeah we talk about how obama wants to try and play robin hood.

  9. Stretched so thin, we can't afford another four years of warmongering, wasteful defense spending and tax cuts for the rich who do sit around the kitchen table.

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