
Aren't Bush & Cheney leaving it a bit late to attack Iran?

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Perhaps they wanted to get the Olympics over with first?!?




  1. October surprise.  Wait for it.

  2. Do you have the clairvoyant news channel?

  3. there's no attack on Iran not now anyway for sure

    Iran got the Russian an Chinese veto...

    plus a war with iran today will mean a war in the Arab Gulf and cut of Oil

    the U.S have a lot to loose if they go war on Iran... Iran have to be taken from the inside...

  4. i wouldnt think the US would attack Iran. They have nuclear weapons and can be pretty dam hostile when it comes to war.

    we wouldnt be able to take another war so kindly

  5. perhaps but there is always something to go to war over.

    relax..ww III started 911 and it won't be over for 20+ years.

  6. I think they want to do everything possible to leave Obama the worst mess they can.

  7. Why did they let you; an insignificant person who is their political opponent know that they are going to attack Iran.

    We probably will eventually have to attack them but I wish George and d**k would stop blabbing about it to all the liberal Internet hippies.

  8. It is late in Bush's term and besides Obama already said he'd attack Iran and reinstate the draft.  

  9. not really, the closer to election day it happens, the more likely it will

    get John McCain elected!  

  10. Why don't you move forward with questions that have some substance to them? Or will you still be crucifying the Bush/Cheney administration in another year? No, they will not even hint at our attacking Iran and would need the mandate of your Congress to do so at any rate~~~~

  11. They are perhaps worried about doing it,because America seems poised to Elect an inexperienced Marxist whiner who might not be able to handle the cleanup afterward. This might just have to wait until we have another Real President,after Obummer is done with his utterly failed One Term Presidency.Then we can Elect another Real American,and deal with Iran.Of course by then they'll have Nuclear Weapons,so the price will be a bit higher,but it's not as if everyone with brain wasn't trying to warn the Libs.The Libs just weren't listening.


  12. Iran is NOT Iraq,please !!!! US will not play with fire attacking Iran,you obviously do not understand what could be the consequences...  

  13. People.....don't you see.  To be President of this country you first must kiss the ring of Israel, they all did it, if you remember.

    We will attack Iran when Israel tells us to.

  14. An attack on Iran = World economies crumble

  15. They may know McCain is going to be next in office & will attack. Unless there is a landslide with Obama/Biden winning they are going to fix it so McCain wins. Anyone who votes for McCain has no clue what Fox news is about or what is going on at all.

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