
Aren't I considered a full time employee since I work 40 hours a week?

by  |  earlier

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I work at this place 8 hours a day, 5 days a week (from midnight to 8 am sunday night/monday morning-thursday night/friday morning), and for some reason I am considered a part time employee and therefore don't get all the benefits the full time employees get here.




  1. 40 hours per week is considered full time. This is mandated by Federal laws. You should have a large poster hanging where you work that has all the rules on it. This is distributed by the Department of Labor and is required to be in an area where all employees can read it. What hours do the "full time" employees work? I only see 4  days (32 hours) in your question. Did you forget a day? NOTE: Wednesday was not mentioned. Are you employed through a Temp Service?

  2. they might be being sneaky by taking off  your break times.  those 15 min breaks, and half hour lunches add up to 5 minus hours if its like where I used to work.  if so you are only putting in 35 hours a week.  check your time sheet.  if your time sheet says 40, than talk to your manager.  If they dont agree, than file a claim.  

  3. at my workplace, you have to apply for full-time and be accepted. I also work 40 hours a week in the summer, but am part-time.  

  4. Talk to an attorney.

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