
Aren't anchors O'Reilly, Wallace, Hannity and Hume the best in the TV industry? They seem to tell the truth.?

by Guest63964  |  earlier

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Aren't anchors O'Reilly, Wallace, Hannity and Hume the best in the TV industry? They seem to tell the truth.?




  1. If you are a Republican- they're the best.

  2. Yea I think the key phrase is 'they SEEM to tell the truth'.  

  3. I would go with Hume and Wallace as 2 of the best and give Hannity and O'reilly good marks for being good on opinion shows. There isn't much anywhere else to choose from. If you like liberals in the media then you have to appreciate being lied to.

  4. Depends on whose "truth" you believe in.

  5. I  recently  discovered  Glenn  Beck  and  subscribed  to  his  e-newsletter.  Some  of  the  terms  'n  adjectives  he  uses  to  express  himself  are  quite  amusing  to  me...  like,  "this  will  upset  you  so  much  that  blood  will  squirt  from  your  eyes."  lol    I'm  not  sure  what  the  pitchforks  are  meant  to  represent  tho.  But  yes,  I  try  not  to  miss  him  on  any  major  news  item.  I  agree  that  he  tells  it like  it  should  be  told.  Here's  the  way  it  goes  for  me  on  any  typical  week night.

    Start  my  evening  by  watching...

    Glenn  Beck,  then

    The  O'Reilly  Factor


    Greta  Van  Sustern  and  during  commercials  I  switch  over  to  Nancy  "whats-her-name."  Grace?  

    I'm  following  the  "Casey/Caylie"  Orlando,  Fla.  story  now.

  6. Sometimes but I don't agree always with them,it seems they never let their guest get a word in edge wise.I like Glen Beck ,he tells it like it really is,and about whoever it is,fearing not his bosses.

  7. O'Reilly and Hannity are chimps...

  8. No. And No. (Does Your TV only get ONE Channel- or something ?!).  

  9. I'm really hoping you're being sarcastic.  Really, really hoping....

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