
Aren't atheists just atheists, everyone has been saying some atheist aren't really atheists?

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ok i don't get i mean isn't a atheist a person that believes we have no god. is there something I'm missin here????




  1. Yes I am just an atheist.

    Some people say we secretly believe in God, but those people are ignorant.

  2. Only an ignorant theist would judge whether an atheist fits their conception of an atheist.

  3. No all Atheists are not the same.

    95% of the Atheists in here are the extreme radical fundamentalist Atheists that are not accepted as friends by normal sane intelligent Atheists`

  4. I am an atheist and it is my belief there is no god.  

  5. ..something I'm missin here????

    Yes, the clarity of the question.

  6. some people are unable to believe that anyone could not believe that their special invisible magic sky daddy exists

    So they call us liars and say that we really really do believe.  

    Or redefine the meaning of words such as religion to pretend that it includes atheism.

    It's rather pathetic

  7. I have never heard of such a thing in my life.




    Atheist= Atheist

    How is that so confusing?

  8. Atheists are by definition just incredibly s**y people who don't believe in any gods and who eat babbies. That's all there is to it.  

  9. Some atheists don't believe in a deity because they have found no proof that one exists and no need for one.  For them, evolutionary and physical processes are sufficient to explain the presence of the universe and of human beings in it.

    Other people who call themselves atheists are disillusioned with God because they have been hurt, and they think of God in anthropomorphic (humanlike) terms.  Therefore, they believe that a loving God should have prevented the event that hurt them.  They believe in something, but they don't want to, and they resent it.

    That's my observation, anyway.

  10. Atheists believe there is no god(s) and supernatural deities do not have any real substance.  

  11. tht's just stupid,Why people embrace religion states that there is no god?  

  12. Just a technicality, but atheists don't "believe" there is no god, they simply do not believe in god. Atheism is not a belief, it is a lack of belief.

  13. If some atheists are atheists, and some smorks are atheists, does that mean that

    A) All smorks are atheists.

    B) All atheists are smorks

    C) All atheists are atheists

    The correct answer is C) All atheists are atheists.

  14. Atheists have one main difference from everyone else: They're rational people

  15. There are strong atheists who say there are no deities and there are so-called "weak" atheists who say there is no evidence for any deities.  Most atheists are the latter.

  16. I suppose it's in reference to a troll posing as an atheist. Or agnostics. Atheists aren't usually the type to condemn other people to indefinite pain and agony for not being 'atheist enough'.

  17. I saw someone on another post asking for proof that atheists exist if that's what you mean.  I don't quite get what you're asking.

  18. you are more or less accurate although i would characterize as a lack of belief in god than a belief that there is no god. but others might not agree

  19. Atheists aren't really atheists....their ceiling cat followers and they're trying to infiltrate our homes and neighborhoods....they watch us when when m********e...they leave cheeseburgers in burning bags on our porches....all of this just to spring a surprise attack on us all and make us all Ceiling Cat Followers!

  20. scientology xenu weirdo's like to class themselves as atheist, atheati, lime kitty, blah blah blah ;)

    I'd rather be logical than rational!

  21. Many times, people will label an 'agnostic' as an 'atheist'.  There is very little difference in the mind of a religious zealot, but it's important to distinguish between the two.

    "Agnostics" don't know, don't care, or both.

    "Atheists" are 100% sure that there is no God.

    There are very few 'true' atheists.  Most people, when pushed, will admit that the very fact that we can't know the truth leaves a bit of room for doubt.

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