
Aren't footballers paid enough?

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Two Championship football stars have been arrested on suspicion of burglary after they were allegedly caught on CCTV going through handbags at a nightclub.

Southampton players Bradley Wright-Phillips, 23, and Nathan Dyer, 20, were arrested and questioned by detectives on Tuesday.




  1. Wasn't this in the News of the World three weeks ago? Footballer's just keep tainting their image.

  2. There were four guys i believe and Wright Phillips wasn;t the one stealing but was watching whilst the others did, disgusting and i hope they all go to jail, which of course they won't.

    Ian Wright laid into his son on his radio talk show, so guess that's a little bit of recompense though cannot for the life of me understand what these low lifes were thinking of, or perhaps that's it, they weren't thinking, prats.

  3. footballers are over paid and Ian must be very disappointed in his son at the moment,

  4. ALL PROFESSIONAL SPORTS PLAYERS ARE PAID TO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. yeah i saw that assuming they did it they prob thought they were being funny typical brain dead footballers

  6. How?

    When they keep on running after the ball with wild imagination of ' Money, money, money"

    Just "All for the money"

    While the bookies were busy at work.

    When one were suppose to lose end up winning the games.

    While the one in the street live in misery with empty pockets.

    No longer for sportmanship.

    Even in friendly matches too.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  7. Overpaid and under worked wallies. They should be made to pay up compensation to who they stole from with interest.

  8. Footballers need every penny they can get! Thieving bastxrds!

    Stealing from the 'poor' to keep the rich amused - hopefully criminal records going to both of them - surly gross misconduct at work - but will they be sacked?

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