
Aren't meal worms supposed to be the meal?

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I have a leopard gecko, I feed him meal worms mainly, but, I heard that meal worms are supposed to be treats and crickets are supposed to be the main meal, is this true?




  1. My leo won't touch crickets. He gets worms (meal, wax, super, etc, etc)

    My tokay will eat anything so he gets mainly crickets.

    You have to feed what they will eat.

  2. Yep.  Crickets should be the main diet (dusted with calcium powder) and mealworms should be fed maybe once a week.  Waxworms can also be used..once a week or every other week.  Worms have alot more fat than crickets and less nutrition.

  3. Mealworms CAN and many people DO use them as a staple they certainly don't qualify as a treat. Crickets are better nutrition wise but can be hard to keep between the noise and stink.

    Waxworms are what would classify as a VERY occasional treat certainly not once a week they are far too fattening and personally i don't feed with them ever.

    My leo is on a mixture of mealies and baby superworms (i breed supers so can acquire mealworm sized supers)

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