
Aren't my gerbils mating, i don't really want them to, just wondering?

by  |  earlier

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i asked my local pet store for two female gerbils, they gave me a male and female i noticed after the second day i had them. i called the pet store very mad, telling them they were going to pay for my gas to drive 30 mins back. they would not cooperate. i called them later to see if they would take the babies when my gerbils made them, they said yes, i would get no money, but thats fine with me. i would love to watch baby gerbils grow up.

i have had my gerbils for over a month and they haven't made babies anyone know why?




  1. maybe they just don't like each other like that. Just because they are male and female doesn't mean they will mate. Plus when they gave you a male and a female you should have drove back up there and told them to give you a female for FREE. they can't pay for the gas but they CAN give you a FREE female for the return of the male.

    P.S if they do mate buy another cage and put the male in. The males might hurt/kill the babies.

  2. They need a nesting box. Like a tissue box with toilet paper in it. They proably wouln't mate unless they have privacy.

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