
Aren't the President and First Lady of America supposed to represent the PEOPLE, and not be ROYALTY?

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Only ROYALTY would have the gall to don a $300,000 outfit to prance around in. Like Cindy McSame was doing.

Not smart.




  1. This has gone beyond the ridiculous hasn't it?  

    You could house three families with the cash she wore that night.

    Ah but one set of standards for the elite and another for the working class.

    And as for comparison to the Kennedys?  This lot doesn't even compare.

  2. LOL. Like the Kennedys (i.e. Camelot)?

  3. You mean like King Arthur and Lady Guenivere in Camelot?  lol

  4. cindy mccain looks like barbie's grandma.

    OBAMA 08*

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