
Aren't the majority of Prussians, as opposed to the Germanic aristocracy, in reality Slavic?

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Aren't the majority of Prussians, as opposed to the Germanic aristocracy, in reality Slavic?




  1. The common folk (not the nobility) from West and East Prussia are a mixture of old Prussians, a Baltic (not Slavic) people realated to the Lithuanians and Latvians and Germans.  The Prussian aristocracy were more or less pure Germans.  Those from the Kingdom of Prussia whose origin in from Pomerania and west are primarily German.

  2. Yes, although there is intermixture.

  3. Sure thing dude! Long-live pan-slovenism! lol

  4. The original Prussians were a Baltic people speaking a Indo-European Baltic language related to Lithuanian and Latvian and Lettish. Nothing to do with Slavs!

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