
Aren't there 3 or 4 great boxers that Maywether didn't fight yet?

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I heard that there are about 3 or 4 very good boxer that Floyd Maywether didn't fight yet. And after his last match, the interviewer mentioned 3 boxers names and he said why you wanna retire now and leave them hanging. So does anybody know the names of these boxers?

I am not a big boxing fan, that's why I am asking this question since i don't know the answer myself.




  1. Mosely, Cotto, Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson.


    Cotto, Margarito, Williams and Quintana are guys who could beat him but will never get a chance.

    Mosley and Winky are guys he avoided

    Cintron and Clottey are guys that could also give him a run for his money because of there stature. But will never get a chance.

    He will probaly fight a smaller man like paquiao

  3. h**l yea Floyd is running away from the top echelon list of boxers man...we all know Floyd must face cotto, Margo, Paul, sugar, to prove that his pick-a-boo style works on every boxer.

    Floyd wants to keep his aura of invincible  boxer. But we all know that is impossible. with only 39 fights he wants to be recon as the baddest man on earth. WHAT A JOKE!!

  4. Cotto and Mosley. Thats all I can think of.

  5. The 3 or 4 fighters your probably refering to would be Miguel Cotto, Shane Mosely, Antonio Margarito and Paul Williams. It's doubtful he'll fight Cotto, Margarito or Williams. I know Shane Mosely has been pushing for a fight with him so if anything that fight has a possibility or being made.

  6. Cotto ducked PBF at 140. Margo cant get over the hill, 5losses. Mosley will get out boxed and schooled. Margo got his butt kicked by Williams. Thanks for the brief stoppage in the 10 round, Cotto got time to get his wind back against Mosley, after he was hurt. Mosley let Cotto out box him but people keep thinking Mosley is a boxer. Mosley has never been a boxer. Margo won a close decision over Clottey. Clottey won the first 4 rounds and injured his hand. Mosley is a good fighter. If you look at his fights, Only big person he beat is Oscar. Vargas, "Please", everyone kicked his butt. Mosley is just a good fighter, that gave you a good fight. Not taking anything from him. Everyone is waiting on PBF to lose. It will come soon are later. Dont hold your breath on it.

  7. He was offered 8 million to fight antonio margarito but fought zab juddah instead for 3 million. This was after zab was beat in his previous fight. Floyd is scared to fight top fighters nowadays. He knows he can fight guys with little chance and get paid. Dont expect to see him fight Cotto, Margarito, Paul williams, Kelly pavlik or any other top fighters near his weight class. DO expect him to fight Hatton AGAIN, Delahoya AGAIN, and maybe Zab AGAIN.

  8. first of all you have to understand that there will always be someone else.floyd has beaten oscar dah la hoya by decision,ricky hatton who he knocked out and may i say one of the best ko's in years,diego corrallis who he beat by ko,jesus chavez by ko twice,jose luis castillo by decision twice,carlos balimor by decision,and he knocked out arturo gatti.For years he has faced the best and beaten the best.Many by knockout.if he beat cotto,paul,and margarito there would be another guy right behind them.There is always someone else and he knows this.he has had a good run and he knows that hes getting older its time for him to retire.he is and will always be known as one of the best fighters of all time.Mahommad Ali and sugar ray leonard made a career of running and everyone calls them the greatest.why is it wrong for floyd to do the same.

  9. There aren't any great fighters left in his weight class the only guy at his weight that can be considered great is Shane Mosley. The problem with fighting Shane is if Floyd wins the public is going complain that Mosley is old. With the guys in his weight class (Welterweight) their aren't any fighter except Shane that you can call great. Floyd has proved himself plenty of times its just impossible to impress everyone so many people have a opinion as to who he needs to fight next to become the greatest. Cotto,Margarito,Williams,Mosley,Quintina its a million fights people what him too take unfortunately he only fights two times a year and doesn't want somebody that cant pay him the money he deserves or give him the PPV sales he wants. Thats why with boxing its a business and you cant have fights with one guy bringing everything too the table.

    So are there fighters at his weight that are great fighters he ducked no except Shane (who he offored to fight when he was at lightweight)but he is up there in age none of those welterweights are great fighters.However their are great fights between he and some of the other fighter at his weight that people want to see i think Floyd has about two fights left in him before he wants to walk away and he will eventually fight Cotto.

  10. Cotto, Mosely , and i forgot the other  one

  11. HEAVY D Mayweather does not fight with a peek a boo style get your boxing facts straight, as for the question the fighters you are referring to are Cotto,Margarito,Mosely and Paul Williams, Mayweather dodged margarito the first time because he felt that a fight with Judah would have helped raise his status more and given him more name recognition (which it did) and it would have been a safer bet, he has not fought Mosely and that was because a few years ago both fighters were very busy, Mosely was still facing different challengers at welter weight while mayweather was coming up through divisions, now keep this in mind, Mayweather had been wanting to face de la hoya ever since he was a light weight and the reason is simple:MONEY, De La Hoya is the biggest draw in boxing right now and a fight with him can change a fighter's career, before the fight with de la hoya mayweather was only known by boxing fans but after the fight he immediately went mainstream and started making huge amounts of money, He never cared much about fighting Mosely or margarito because he knew that the real money was with De La hoya and that's why he made the decision he made, as for Paul Williams, well,williams is a natural super welterweight and too big for floyd anyway so i doubt this fight would happen, Margarito was a worthy opponent but Floyd was aiming for De La Hoya from the beginning and not Margarito, Cotto is probably the best opponent for him right now and i am sure that if the money is right (as long as bob arum stays out of the way) this fight will happen.

  12. It would be much easier to name the great, prime fighters that Mayweather has fought instead of the long list of the ones he has ducked.

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