
Aren't there three things to look for in determining quilt in a murder? motive, opportunity, and what else?

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Aren't there three things to look for in determining quilt in a murder? motive, opportunity, and what else?




  1. what is a quilt murder? is it someone goes around cutting quilts?  or i think you may have meant guilt,oh ok.  damning evidence, have to have proof in most cases. eye witness, physicial evidence, undesputable evidence, the body, but if the murderer has maga bucks he or she will scate becauce our justice system is so corrupt the rich, the crooks and the politicians which are all the same will do as they please

  2. evidence, whether it's fingerprints or blood or DNA,IE: hair. skin cells,fibers

  3. Means - the ability and necessary implements (e.g. weapons) to carry it out.

  4. motive

  5. intent and capacity to carry out the crime.

    Intent means that they meant to do it.

    Capacity is their psychological ability. If someone is insane, unfortunately, they are not convicted aka "not guilty" which by the way is totally invalid since they DID commit the crime. Therefore, they are NOT INNOCENT. Thus, they should be "guilty but mentally ill."

  6. Intent.

    Motive - I want to kill you because you are rich and I want to get your inheritence.

    Opportunity - There are times you are home alone in your big house which has a huge property where no one can hear you scream.

    Intent - I have a knife in my hand, and my "intent" was to stab you.  However, even if I walked into your room with the knife in my hand but you tripped and fell on me causing me to stab you, then it's not murder.  It's probably going to be man-slaughter.

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