,... that we need to kick these gas powered vehicles to the curb, at least as far as using them as main commuter vehicles? You're not only contending with high gas prices, you are now contending with high food prices, higher prices with tow truck companies, auto mechanics, just everywhere, and guess what's caused it, yes, you guessed it, high gas prices and driving these gas powered cars. You can no longe rignore the fact that just being frugal won't do anything anymore. A lot of you who make at least $15 an hour forget about how those store clerks and other lower paid people are getting affected. You've got your new car every 6 or 7 years, you've got a career to pay for your house and 2 kids, but you're forgetting what it's like for those who make less than even $9 an hour. There needs to be an alternative source of energy for transporation, and fast!
It's one thing to drive these gas-powered vehicles as recreation, out for weekends, heck, I'll be doing it, but for regualr every commuting, that's another story.
Seeing this disturbing article just now compelled me to type all this up on YahooAnswers right now,