
Aren't those Yanks are a bit quiet after the Hopkins Calzaghe fight?

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after the Mayweather Hatton fight, they were on here running their gums about how US Boxers own British Boxers and all that c**p, now Calzaghe BEAT Hopkins its like they've gone into hiding

they're all making excuses for Hopkins loss saying he was old and past it, but before the fight they weren't mentioning his age at all, they were claiming Hopkins would defeat him easily etc...

i'm not Calzaghe's biggest fan, but come on Yanks - your man got beat on his own soil, stopping trying to play it down saying he got knocked down in the 1st Rd. and Hopkins is an old timer. that stuff is all irrelevant





  1. I'm a bit confused as to why you are calling all Americans "Yanks"?

    Here in  America only the northern half of the nation is refered to as "Yankees". I'm insulted that anyone would mistake me for a Yank.

  2. Nice excuse ^

    Anyway, I agree. The Yanks were showing off, and if they've really moved on why was it such a huge achivement when Hatton lost? Hopefully this will put them in their place.

  3. Calzaghe won a split decision, it was close and could have gone the other way. Calzaghe's corner told him going into the last round that he needed a knockout so they thought he was losing. Joe fought Bernard's fight. In a split decision the loser is always going to moan. It was a messy fight but well done Joe on the win.

  4. You sound stupid!

  5. true, whoever is saying hopkins would kil calzaghe in his prime is a mentalist hopkins is physically a 33 year old with his 43 year old wise boxing brain. Still calzaghe won. The fact he faked a low blow for most of a round isnt due to the fact hopkins is old an unfitt. its due o the fact that hopkins ha never fought anyone with a pace like joe and just couldn't keep up his clinching tactic anylonger. Notice how onthe second "low blow" hopkins tries it again but the reff say fight on an he recovers miraculously

    Unreal that fight was joe deserved to win. Watch the fight again today and you'll see. Was the same with kessler, while watching live your thought woo close fight calzaghe wins but it was close. Watched it the next day an u see clazaghe won easily


  6. im sick and tired of the excuses from americans, why cant you lot just be good losers for a change i dont care if hopkins was 43,i dont care if he would of beat joe in his prime all that matters is the here and now and calzaghe won save yourself any more humiliation and just respect calzaghe for the great boxer he is

  7. Calzaghe won the fight, but you need to shut your pie-hole before we send Rhode Island to conquer the British isles!

  8. Well thats the Americans for you. They were saying similar things before they invaded Iraq.

    (And Vietnam for that matter!)

  9. Calzaghe's speed was awesome, compared to Hopkins.  Good fight...Hopkins said he would never be beaten by a "white boy" and racial slurr came back to haunt him...

  10. it was a split decision. that means calzaghe barely won. i could ******* care less who won. i want to see calzaghe fight a real fighter. did i mention he barely beat hopkins? wait for the rematch.

  11. Bernard had a lot of advantage and that included the ref being very helpful and letting him fake a low blow even though we know they wear protected padding. Like Joe said Hopkins was out of breath and needed a break for 5 minutes. He was fighting in his country and he had all those trainers with him.

    A win is a win and right now it's 1-1 Ricky Hatton lost and Calzaghe won, Bernard lost and Mayweater won so that's that. And split decisions are 2 judges to 1 and that's good enough to take it.

  12. No one cares in the US...boxing is barely even relevant.  We've moved on from boxing years ago.  Only major fights draw minimal interest.  More popular now is Ultimate Fighting and Pride Fighting Championships.

  13. yes - its not in their mentality for a non american to beat an american fighter

  14. I just want someone to film Hopkins going back to the projects to eat his own sh*t. This is a million times better than winning the grand slam.

  15. Nobody likes being made to look stupid which seems to be the case here as Wales' finest has given their man a good biffing!

    Come on :)

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