
Aren't you fed up with the Maddie case?

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All these theories 18 months later?




  1. i am fed up about it its driving me nuts because all my uncle does is come to my house and stick up for the maccans the left babies out alone it like me going to another country and leveing my sister to fend fir herself and shes 2 (which i would never do cause my mum is there) and i haveno sympathy except for maddie and the twins

  2. We are the people to blame. Its us that are asking all the questions Its us that are answering them. We are the real culprits. At least one good thing is happening . Its keeping the public,us, aware of a missing little girl.  

  3. No! I'm fed up with people constantly bringing up the Maddie case.

  4. yes, yes and YES!

  5. Yep.  

  6. i am fed up with them two having a free press and getting away with abandonment

    i am fed up with them two not co cooperating and doing a reconstruction or answering questions

    i am fed up with Madeline's disappearance being treated like a circus to turn them two idiots into spokespeople for all missing children instead of being forced to reveal what exactly happened that night

    the hypocrisy of it all sickens me

  7. Not a bit, the mystery of it all !

  8. yeah i couldnt care less now...its their own fault it happened anyways.

  9. Yes, Fact is they shouldnt have left their children alone.  Two doctors??

    their brains must have been in their mouths - some foodies are worse than druggies!!  

  10. No but I am disgusted by the Mc's, the biased reporting and blatant refusal for those who can to avoid reporting the truth! One day someone brave enough will and that will be a shocking tale if ever there was one!

  11. It's amazing how the McCanns can't keep quite now their on reprieve..

    All the case notes amount to nothing but all of a sudden the supporters are taking these findings as gospel.Lol......

    This case should have been closed within a week of the investigation but Kate refused to assist.  how odd!.

  12. No i'm not fed up and I don't think the press should stop publishing the case either, this little girl needs to be found.

    If that was my child i'd desperately do anything to get her back just like her parents are trying..

    They were stupid in the first place they are trying their best now.

    Mistakes happen

  13. No but I will be sure to let you know when I am.(I'm not nice to know when I'm bored)

  14. This REALLY shouldn't be in the current events section! The Maddie case is a year and a half old and there are still whispers in the news. It's getting silly now.

  15. im not fed up with it as i hope 1day she will be found but it does irritate me because them parents should have had all there kids took of them its blatently neglect!!and what about all the other children and ppl that go missing everyday werz all there funding and publicity??there all long forgotten!

  16. No I am disheartened with the ineptitude of the Portuguese police who have dragged this out and made what should be a serious matter a farce. A little girl is missing and in all likelihood dead now even if she was alive after being taken. If they had been professional Maddie might have been found.

  17. this will drag on forever, because they are middle class look at poor ben needhams mom 19 years later an she never had the publicity this case has got, there will always be theories but the sad truth is that i feel she will never be found

  18. They are trying to get this to kick off again.  

  19. I am so fed up with it, especially with them criticising the police investigation, they said they wouldn't rule out suing them,well shouldn't they be sued for leaving the child alone  

  20. Yes, I am.

    People go missing and die everyday.

    Its just because the family are well off that everyone knows about it.

    Young girls change so quickly, all they would need to do is change her hair and nobody will realise its her. Its been so long now anyway shes grown up a bit. Shes not going to be found.

  21. Yeah I am, it all could have been avoided in the first place. Its common sense you don't leave a child that age on its own anyway.

    I really don't think they're going to find her, not now. If they do I'll be very surprised.

  22. I am fed up with people getting away with murder!!

  23. it could have all been avoided !  

  24. Yes really I'm fed up with all the speculation about it on answers.

  25. no, can you just think of the suffering this little child went or is going through

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