
Aren't you glad McCain picked Palin as VP?

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She is stealing "messiah" Obama's stoplight. She's becoming media sensation. Few months ago no one thought that anyone could steal Obama's stoplight. People thought that is is impossible to do. However Palin has effectively turned the media attention to herself.

McCain is genius.




  1. Yes, I'm very much glad that McCain picked Palin as VP. He committed his third and this time successful suicide by doing so.

  2. She is probably the worst politician in this country history.I think people like her and that they will win these elections,and we will have to be ready for a war with Iran,more dependence on oil,more power for the oil companies,and less rights for women.The economy will be a big mess.I love this country,but these religious fanatics will destroy it.Is not good to mix politics and religion.

  3. Absolutely and the left wing media is sooooo desperate to destroy her to help their messiah.  

  4. LOL! Yes, give it a month, Palin will be ragged out enraged as she finds that there's more to running for Vice President than speaking to a group of imbeciles.

  5. NOOOOO i think he has to do something in order to make up for the bull c**p he says hes gonna do!!! why in the hellllllll would people want to live the same way we have been for the last 4 years??? how ignorant are you people !!! GOOOOOO OBAMA ALLL THE WAY

  6. Yup. I don't know if he knew she would be such a hit, or if it was just a lucky shot, but it worked out great.  

  7. Yes! Yes! and YES!!! She is wonderful!!!

  8. According to McCain, being in the spotlight is a bad thing, so it just undercuts his own argument.

    Sarah Palin opposes McCain on many issues. She opposes abortion NO MATTER what the circumstances, while McCain supports abortion when the mother's life is endangered or rape and incest.

    Sarah Palin is the top pork barrel spending governor in the USA, while McCain opposes pork barrel spending.

    Sarah Palin supported the bridge to nowhere while McCain opposed it.

    Sarah Palin supports th Iraq War as a war for God. McCain believed it was necessary for reasons of security.

    In Sarah Palin's vision of America thousands of women will be sitting on Death Row for abortions, and women will be underpaid for their work.

    Since I expect Palin to cost the Republicans votes, yes I'm glad he chose her for VP.

  9. FORMER MASSACHUSETTS GOV. MITT ROMNEY: "We need change, all right — change from a liberal Washington to a conservative Washington! We have a prescription for every American who wants change in Washington — throw out the big-government liberals, and elect John McCain and Sarah Palin."

    THE FACTS: A Back-to-the-Future moment. George W. Bush, a conservative Republican, has been president for nearly eight years. And until last year, Republicans controlled Congress. Only since January 2007 have Democrats have been in charge of the House and Senate.

    -FORMER ARKANSAS GOV. MIKE HUCKABEE: Palin "got more votes running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska than Joe Biden got running for president of the United States."

    THE FACTS: A whopper. Palin got 616 votes in the 1996 mayor's election, and got 909 in her 1999 re-election race, for a total of 1,525. Biden dropped out of the race after the Iowa caucuses, but he still got 76,165 votes in 23 states and the District of Columbia where he was on the ballot during the 2008 presidential primaries.

    MCCAIN: "She's the commander of the Alaska National Guard. ... She has been in charge, and she has had national security as one of her primary responsibilities," he said on ABC.

    THE FACTS: While governors are in charge of their state guard units, that authority ends whenever those units are called to actual military service. When guard units are deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, for example, they assume those duties under "federal status," which means they report to the Defense Department, not their governors. Alaska's national guard units have a total of about 4,200 personnel, among the smallest of state guard organizations.

    MCCAIN: "She's been governor of our largest state, in charge of 20 percent of America's energy supply ... She's responsible for 20 percent of the nation's energy supply. I'm entertained by the comparison and I hope we can keep making that comparison that running a political campaign is somehow comparable to being the executive of the largest state in America," he said in an interview with ABC News' Charles Gibson.

    THE FACTS: McCain's phrasing exaggerates both claims. Palin is governor of a state that ranks second nationally in crude oil production, but she's no more "responsible" for that resource than President Bush was when he was governor of Texas, another oil-producing state. In fact, her primary power is the ability to tax oil, which she did in concert with the Alaska Legislature. And where Alaska is the largest state in America, McCain could as easily have called it the 47th largest state — by population.

  10. Yes, since McCain was intentionally trying to force the spotlight on Obama to paint him as a "celebrity", Palin stealing the spotlight with talk from members of her own party that she is unqualified, can only be good for Obama.

  11. I think she is great.. If you look at her record in Alaska, she takes no BS, and has worked for the people.. Everybody has to have their own opinion on abortions, and that is something that will go in and out of acceptance, just as Capital Punishment does.. So I don't think we can judge her on just that one issue.. (By the way, she did not support the 'Bridge to Nowhere".)  I  don't think we need an Egotistical  Superstar running this country, I much rather see someone running it that is for the people, and has a true record of accomplishments showing just that.. Check out the Alaska web pages..  .  

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