
Aren't you relieved McCain didn't ask Condi instead of Sarah?

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Now, Condi with her background and experience would have been a true competitor. Isn't there anyone to advise him?




  1. As much as I liked Condi, I can see th4e close connection to Dubya just wouldn't work. Wouldnt mind seeing her in the next administration.

  2. No.  Miss Rice has some respect in the rest of the world and that is

    what we need to work on much more.


  3. Yes,The Republican strategist are using Palin as a voluntary pawn.

    She will resign. She is being used as a distraction against Obama and they are going to say''see my friends Obama doesn't have experience either''. He will then choose a Man.


  4. While Condi Rice would make an excellent VP, libs have had to much time to demonize her, unjustly.  Secratary Rice has made Madeline Albright look like Madeline Dimbulb by comparison.

  5. I think Condi would have been an even worse choice. She is in the pocket of oil companies (she even has an Exxon tanker named after her), her foreign policy work has been disastrous (remember, she was picked as the "expert on Russia"--what a joke), she is most likely a L*****n and this will of course come out in an election, and she is a most unpleasant person.

    So, corrupt, nasty, g*y, and a failure in her job.

    Not a great choice.

  6. He was thinking Condi but said Sarah.

    Another 'Senior Moment' for McCain.

  7. And she's blacker than Obama too.  

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