
Aren't you so annoyed with Ron Paul?

by Guest21353  |  earlier

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Is he ruining the whole party? Doesn't he need to stop all this Ron Paul Revolution stuff?




  1. I like him...he's got lot's of good things to say

  2. SHUT UP ......STUPID

  3. I respect him for not giving in to the mighty GOP when they were pressuring him to support McCain.

    Even if I don't agree with all of his views, good for him to stand up for what he believes in.

  4. No.  He is eminently ignorable, and I happily do so.

  5. Hardly, of the two parties thrown this week, I think his was by far the best.

  6. Ron Paul 2012 !!!!

  7. Yeah ron paul is off his rocker. The guy is ridiculous. I heard some good stuff about him from people, then I looked into it myself, and decided I think less of all those people. Even worse, people are allowed to write on the sidewalks with chalk at my univ, and people spray painted Ron Paul all over the place and its gonna be there for years now. God, he's like a cockroach.

  8. Ron Paul was the better candidate but they nominated a fake conservative

    now suffer the consequences

    Get ready to say Hello to the New President Obama from Jan 09

  9. Nope.  Your question is the first time I've heard him mentioned in months.

  10. Ron Paul is a ****ing moron who only ran on the Republican ticket to get more lip service for his whack-job ideology.  He wants to cut the IRS and his plans for the FBI and CIA really make me think he wants to see America bombed off the face of the earth.

  11. Honestly, I think he is cancels out the extreme left.  Most of the GOP respects him but doesn't have the guts to kill social programs.  My guess is that after McCain is elected, he will get a sweet cabinet position.  I would love to see him be the last HUD administrator before the department is dissolved.

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