
Aren't you so sick of politics?

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I am so sick of all this political BS in Politics!

The voting age turned 18 a years or so after I turned 18, (I'm 53).

All those years ago, I could see that politicians never cared about a little nobody like me, & I had NEVER voted since then. There was ONE & ONE TIME only that I have ever voted, & that was a year or 2 ago, when the marriage ammendment came up here in Wisconsin. I had no intrest in any of the politicians that were on the ballot-I only cared about 1 SINGLE ISSUE-the Marriage ammendment, which I voted YES on.

I have learned over all my years, that I have to look out for #1, & that's me.

I am simply interested in surviving, & nothing more. I don't care about anything that politicians have to say, because unless I had money, they didn't give a d**n about me!

I just try survive.

Am I REALLY being too cynical, or is there anyone else who feels as I do.

I never plan to vote again, because it isn't worth it.




  1. YES!! They never do what they say they will do and tell you anything just to get elected.

  2. I disagree. The only time I have not voted was when my spouse and I were going to vote for two opposing tickets and we decided to stay home because we'd cancel each other out. We had a great night.

  3. try Ron Paul , he is the no BS candidate in the herd.

    but it does feel like we are Charley brown and the politicians who promise us change are Lucy and they just keep pulling the football away each time we give them the chance.

  4. By not voting, you are just doing a favor to those politicians

  5. No, because politics is a joke.

  6. Yes, I totally relate to you. I was apathetic to it all since the 2000 election.

    Recently though, I got turned-on by Ron Paul so I will be voting for him.

    He is the first honest politician I have ever seen! I couldn't believe it! I really never thought I would see one!

    His voting record is straight ever since 77'. He never flip-flopped or lied - always stayed consistent. On you can see his vote tallies. It's funny to see the whole congress vote for something and then there was one guy who didn't because ehe didn't believe in it! It was his name everytime! It's so funny!

    He also denied the congressional pension and healthcare, of both which are top notch in the US, but he is the only on ewho denied them every year! He gives the money back to the US treasury! What a great guy!

    He doesn't bullshit either. He doesn't say over loaded expressions but rather speaks directly to an issue. He just got involved because he is sick of others making it all such a mess.

    I'm not trying to convince you or anything; I'm just saying that I was in the same place; and all he turned me on by stating how the problems can be fixed and we all can "survive" better.

  7. Unfortunately, politics enters into almost every aspect of your life. Even if you live in a lean-to hut in the woods, politics dictates where you can do it legally and where you can't. You can't get away from politics.

    That's why, several years ago, that I decided to run for office. Voting just wasn't enough. I decided that I wanted my voice heard and I wanted to fight back. That's exactly what I am doing. I call it "Politics in self defense".

    You can be sick and tired of it. You can try to ignore it. You can wish it would go away. But even when looking out for number one only, you are still constrained by the limitations placed on you by the results of politics.

    You have a choice. You can participate, or you can just sit back and let it happen to you. I chose to fight back.

  8. Im absolutely sick of them.

  9. Well normally I dont pay to much attention. But there is this one guy the media isnt really covering that my buddy told me about. I looked up some of the legislation that this guy has been trying to pass and I got excited by about it. If you have 5 seconds check it out.

    The Family Education Freedom Act, which would allow parents to get up to $5000 back that they spent on education expenses for there child.

    The Tax Free Tip Act, would make it so Tips were no longer Taxable

    The Social Security For Americans Only Act would end Non-Citizens from collecting Social Security Benefits, that you have payed your whole life for, after as little as 18 months.

    The same candidate wants to end the Tax on Social Security benefits

    If any of these pieces of legislation seem good to you simply google them to find out who has been trying to pass these bills. Voting for him would give bills like these a chance to see the light.

    In past years I have not followed the Major candidates and have chose to pull the lever for candidates of 3rd parties to show my disillusionment and this year i wasnt going to vote at all but, since This Guy is running I might as well.

  10. well i am tired of the bickering back and fourth and fourth

    about the issues.

  11. If you don't vote, then what interest do you hope politicians will ever have in you? Our Republic, from it's earliest inception, has relied on a concept of "Enlightened Self Interest"- the idea that civic participation with the goal of improving the whole of society will also make life better for the individual. If you don't even contribute in the absolutely smallest possible way, namely voting, then you can continue to expect society to dump on you. It's reciprocal. If you want to make the country a better place for yourself, then you need to help make the nation a better place in general.

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