
Aren't you supposed to be in school?

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I am homeschooled...





  1. I hate that!

    We also get:  "What, no school today?"

    We're out and about having fun rather than being indoors.  We homeschool!! :)

  2. Nope im a dropout......sadness =(

  3. i am homeschooled and for me itis better because you can go at any speed you think suits you and you don't have to the follow the speed of the classroom also you can take your tests any time you feel like it and wont have to worry about last minute studying

  4. well thats nice right? u got to stay at home but the bad thing is u miss other people outside :)

  5. I graduated in 1981, so I don't think so.

  6. Someone said??????

    "Its better to go to actual school

    a) u get to work as team

    b) labs /hands on experience

    c) ur univeristy cannot be home schooled wat r u doing to do? U need to learn to work as team, and you should learn to socialize."

    Just shows how much he has been "taught" about homeschooling....    Most of the universities are going to online classes.  Working on my Bachelors online as we speak!  :0)

  7. Well, no because in parts of UK (not all, it's a weird system) it's half term this week so all kids have the week off.

    My eldest is enjoying the week off. She stays in school by choice, I think my kids should have choice over their lives, that's important.

    My youngest is never in school, she's homeschooled too. Lucky her, I would have loved the childhood she's getting!

  8. I get that one alot, particularly when I'm trying to use the library durring school hours and I run into the bitter librarian who doesn't seem to like teenagers much.

    I got the same when I went into a Target store to see if I could get a print application for a job.

    It kind of helps that at this point I look a bit older than I actually am, and often people will mistake me for a college student.

    That question is annoying, but what's more annoying is the guff you get from people who KNOW you're homeschooled. Ever hear the term "real school"? When I was registering for accomodations on the SAT, the person from College Board I spoke to on the phone said several times "well it's a shame you're not attending real school. Then you'd have councilors to do this for you and other things to take advantage of." She was surprised to see that I had handled all the paper work and things on my own, and had even contacted her without much parent direction. She was even more surprised to hear that I was homeschooled AND blind, as if homeschooling a blind kid was som unheard of thing.

    How about this one. Ever had someone act like your work isn't REAL work? A councilor at the Visually Impaired Person's center in my area did this a few times. The most memorable is when I was hanging out with a group of other blind kids who were interested that I was homeschooled. We were all talking about our final exams and they asked me if I take finals. I said yes, but I did mine a while back. The councilor who is not at all part of the conversation at this point pipes up and says "Yours don't count, Jamie. You're homeschooled". Quite seriously in fact. She also makes comments about homeschooling being "easy", and when my mother was signing me up for the programs at the center, the woman kept talking about how important it is for me to "learn how to socialize"... as if VIP is my only means of peer interaction and I'm lucky we found it in time...

    Then you get people who think that because you're homeschooled, you're available at the drop of a hat because OBVIOUSLY you can't have anything important to be doing. I recieved an e-mail (not even a phone call, but something it's likely I wouldn't even check in time) from my councilor from the Division of Blind Services (different councilor) at about 5 or 6pm saying quite simply "We need you to come in tomorrow at 8 to go over some things.". It wasn't a request, I can tell you that much. Now that morning I had quite a bit of school work, testing, work, and a group project I had to be present for. Not to mention my only means of transportation at that hour had a sick relative to take care of. I wrote back explaining that it was much too short of notice, that I'd be glad to come in the following morning, but in the future could you please give me a bit of notice, or at least an earlier phone call. She replied with "Oh, well you're not in school so I figured you'd be available."

    Now that I think about it, the bulk of my problems with homeschool misconceptions, prejudices, etc are all linked to the local Blind Services department...which is in fact a branch of the Department of Education... funny!

  9. I wonder this same thing when all of these students in public schools are on here on Y!Answers all during school hours.  I do account for different time zones, too.

    Just *what* do they do at public school all day????

    And yes, IRL, my son hates it when he gets the "why aren't you in school" question.

  10. Its better to go to actual school

    a) u get to work as team

    b) labs /hands on experience

    c) ur univeristy cannot be home schooled wat r u doing to do? U need to learn to work as team, and you should learn to socialize.

    Labs can kill u if u have no exposure

  11. Your lucky I wish I could be homeschooled...

  12. Myself, I graduated in 1987. Our children are doing home schooling reports as I type on Marie Curie and Xenophon.

  13. cool...well.i think its much fun goin to skool...since all my frnds are there

  14. Im supposed to be at work but we are having a sleet storm in Kansas right now, we are expecting an inch of sleet, all the schools are closed and there are accidents all over every road

  15. I'm a dropout :) I'm too cool for school.

  16. Yes you are!

    Homeschooling is wrong!

    And should be illegal!




  17. Home educated!!! There is also and Ice storm so all schools r our n e way!

  18. I am in school. I have a lot of freetime this period and my teacher lets me get on and do whatever. Most of my teachers are cool like that. Why are you on Answers when you should be doing work??? When I was homeschooled my mother was harder on me than my teachers are now. I wasn't allowed on the computer (except for my class online, even then, she was right beside me making sure I wasn't doing something besides my work) until 3:30 when all of the public-school kids got out.

  19. That's sad, I feel bad for you, is ur family poor or something for u to go to a private school?

    Go to a actual school, don't stay at your house just studying for boring stuff, it's better to be in school passing notes and stuff to your friends during class, that's the best part!

  20. Don't you love that question?

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