
Aren't you tired of over-used text-book religious responses?

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When I look at a question asking about religion, I always find that odd answerer that can't come up with something more creative and instead sticks to such classics as:

- Repent for your sins

- I will pray for your soul in h**l

- Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior

- Jesus will show you the way

blah blah blah... you get the idea.

My question is, who really listens to this blather?

Get with the times, put some creativity into your answers, maybe then we'll start taking you seriously.




  1. i agree with you.....

  2. we are giving you  the truth  what do you want  us  to make up  other answers  for.

  3. Use of a few synonyms most likely break any dead-set-against-faith hearts that derive pleasure from mockery. If people really, desperately  wanted a relationship with their Creator (the basic requirement) word choices for the unchanging, centuries old message would not make any difference to them.

       If you tire and have no desire or plan to change anyway, find something else to do!

  4. ' Religious' - you mean christian, I gather!!

    Well if you don't like the text book answers, have a look for yourself, don't have it all spoonfed, bc you're likely not to be happy with the answers.

    Mostly you get those answers because it's all a bunch of baloney!!

  5. shut up or ill throw some bible verses at you! ouch! yeah I'm tired of religion altogether, its just the same old thing involving a jewish zombie.

  6. LOL

    Like atheists answers are all unique and original on here.

    If you are going to ask the same questions over and over and over again then you are going to get the same answers.  Its not like the answers change from day to day.

  7. Nah - you still won't take them seriously because you still wont like the answer.  The reason I get any respect is because my approach is different.

  8. I'm tired of people who think matters pertaining to God and eternal destiny are a matter of opinion.

    If this were the case in every other discipline, we wouldn't have to die to go to h**l.

  9. Well, Terry,

    Don't you think it's high time for you to start asking questions that are more creative? Keep asking the same dumb question, get same dumb answer. You don't listen anyway.

  10. You should burn in translucent fire, indefinitely, in the ocean of hotness.

  11. Terry, it sounds like you need to Repent for your sins.

    Here, to help you out, I will pray for your soul in h**l.

    Just do me a favor.  Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

    I promise that Jesus will show you the way.

    Does that clear things up for you?

  12. Oh, thank God of Gods, King of Kings and all that if heavenly with our wonderful, wonderful Lord and rock hard abbed savior, yes.  I am really tired of those.

  13. yes i'm tired of it.  

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