
Arent my horses adorable???

by  |  earlier

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what do you think of my horses?




  1. =) that horse would make a great steak dinner..mmm

  2. DUDE jamie M like killed the mood

    hmm they are scruggy, they arnt really up to standard hmm.... confermation is ok...... hmm if u fix  every thing  they willl be awsome

    dude stop being so professional it killed the mood

    a fat scruffy pony is a happy pony  right? of course

    THEY ARE SOOO CUTE :)    (:

  3. your horses are very pretty

  4. to tell you the truth, nothing special. but there ure babies so of course there 1 in a million

  5. Aw, adorable! I love their cute fluffy coats! You are SO lucky you have horses!!!

  6. they are great hope you have fun on them

  7. They are pretty run of the mill horses, in my opinion.  Nothing stellar.  Not breeding quality.

    But as long as you love them, that's all that matters.

    Opinions from a bunch of anonymous strangers via the internet shouldn't matter.

  8. looks like they need a body i like the 2nd 1 best =]]

  9. 'A horse baby' Oh for the love of God.....

  10. yes they're adorable and i would name the baby





  11. lol they are so cute!

    they could use some exersize...but cute fosho!!!!!

  12. yeah they are very cute lucky to have them

  13. They are a good weight and they seem happy...but they are pretty scruffy. They look like they either have alot of rain rot or are DESPERATE for a good grooming :)

    They have decent conformation, and kind eyes though xD

    I love Harvey's eyes :DDD they are very expressional...he looks like a little comedian xD

    Work on their coats and you will have some wonderful little horses ^^

  14. very cute.

    are any of them babies? cuz they loo kinda small, lol

    but they are verry gorgeous you are a lucky person!!


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