
Arent you tired of hearing about people shooting and killing in schools?

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I think its sad how peole resort to violence as their last resolution...and especially when it involves killing innocent people...arent there warning signs??

School just isnt safe no sad is it for a parent to send their child off to school and think "Will my child get shot today?"

Is there anything we as parents, students and citizens do to STOP this??




  1. Fiji Islands is a small paradise in the Pacific region, with a population of about 900000 people.

    School shooting is unheard of in Fiji, this is an issue which we see when we watch international news, so common in USA.

    Even the cops in our country don't carry guns, they dont need to.

    I can't see why one human wud even take the life of another.

    In times like this i suggest people resort to good, healthy education, whether it be at school or home. SAY NO TO GUNS.

  2. I think the media should stop hyping it.I bet half the high school students know the names of the people involved in the last five shootings, but I bet the same students couldn't tell you the names of their Senators or their Governor.If the media would stop making cult hero's out of them, maybe it would cut down on the nonsense.

  3. Yes I am sick of it, but however the more the media shows it in the news the bigger the trend will be....if you noticed after the first school shooting there was all those others that follow right after it? its cause kids and people see it on tv and think yea i want to go down in history as someone who will be talked about for years to come....its sad

  4. I am not used to that in Trinidadian schools, tank God. But the public could do things like if you know persons wit unlisened guns report them, students can do the same an report all wrongs. An then it can be stoped. Good Luck

  5. I like much of what "ItsYourWorld" has said, but he fails to recognize "the slippery slope" goes both ways.  

    Just as we should choose to enact & enforce responsible laws concerning gun ownership, we should also enact & enforce responsible laws concerning those few who are allowed to carry guns.  

    We should not go to the wild west days where everyone has a gun on their hip.  But there should be a license you should be able to apply for to carry a gun, even in 'gun restricted zones'.  ("Gun-free Zones " are a joke. They only insure the criminal will be the only one carrying a gun)  

    But such a license should be difficult to get.  There should be strict accuracy & law requirements & psychological screening.  And because a person's situation can change, this should be required to be updated.

  6. I am too!  We need to stop liberalism!!! It takes extreme to defeat extreme. I wish all of those who commit school shooting were ran over by a cement truck. If that is what it would take to save all the innocent lives lost in school shootings.

  7. it is sad when someone snaps and starts shooting up schools.  as far as preventing it, uh i don't see that ever happening unless we somehow come up with a way to see into the future or read other peoples minds.  it's just a fact of life and the world we live in today.  you hit on something though, parents need to start parenting.  most of these incidents happen because the child is either neglected or rejected by their parents, but then again it may not be entirely the parents fault.  these days things are so expensive and both parents have to obviously work, it's hard to spend time with your kid, or kids!!!  i think everyone needs to just start looking for signs or indicators and then try and deal with it, but stopping it is a whole nother ball game.

  8. See what happens when you take prayer out of schools. Anarchy!

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