
Aren’t People Disgraced That Ashton & Demi Are Still Married, How Is That Possible?

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What if you saw a couple just like them, would you bag on them or appreciate that they loved each other?




  1. Hating. I don't worry about haters. If I had an older women it wouldn't matter, if we're into each other f everyone else.

    I probably wouldn't give em a second glance in public honestly.

  2. No, I have been there before.  People have nothing better to do but disgrace other people because of who they are with, how they live etc...  I don't care what other people think, and you shouldn't either, if you are happy that is all that matters, and if you can't deal with what other people think then maybe you have a problem with it and do not want to admit it.

  3. People don't look because of the age difference, they look because they probably thought you were out of your league. Demi is a very attractive woman, in fact, better then lots of chubby gut 20 somethings who schlep drinks at college bars... if you are older and good looking and you match your partners looks, nobody will think twice.

  4. I have no issue with the age difference.

    Trust me I'm NOT the one that stares or tries to make you feel uncomfortable. Here is the thing, although me and my husband are the same age I think I look older than him and not as attractive, so had to deal with the same sort of sh*t you went through of people thinking why are we together....and it doesn't help that he is foreign and maybe people think hmmm he married her for a visa. Well we are still married and happy together for over 5 years, no-one should ruin what you've got. If you love your girl, then don't let other people come between you. Fight for what you believe in and s***w the rest of them.

  5. Trust me, NOBODY cares more about you than they do themselves, except potentially for your parents.

    Seriously, you seem really angry about this, to the point where you are sure you know what everyone else is thinking. Do you really think people you don't know spend much time thinking about you? I doubt it. Do you spend a lot of time thinking about other people you pass on the street? I'm sorry if you had to end a relationship because you were worried about the stares of strangers, but I would consider getting back together with this person and not worrying about it. So what if someone makes a comment. Just ignore it. If you are a mature adult you know that you will have to deal with rudeness in many ways for your entire life.

  6. You cannot be serious.  You call yourself A MATURE ADULT, and "had to go through this and been broken up because of you people looking at us". A mature adult would ignore people's staring, or at least let that be a reason or excuse for breaking up. And what business or concern is it of yours what Demi & Ashton do?

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