
Argentina is the best?

by Guest60546  |  earlier

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At football maybe.

Sprinboks are champions at rugby.







  1. Argentina , you are a wonderful team.  Thank you for bringing your passion and courage to the great game of Rugby.  You are worthy opponents.  You were beaten by the great Springboks and that should make you proud, that you got that far.  Congratulations and I hope that this will mean you get more support to develop rugby in your country from the International rugby community.  You deserve to be up there with the big boys.

  2. los pumas we are really proud of you it was a great job

    Aguanten los pumas!

  3. My bloed is groen!!!

  4. Im an argie, and I assume that you are a South African. Ive got a few things to tell you:

    1)You won fair and square, but that doesnt mean we arent quite a great team. This was our best world cup and I expect even more in the next one.

    2)I am proud of my team, and how I indirectly contributed to the Pumas by: being an argentinian (more people in one country increase the odds of having good players) and by playing rugby.

    3)Since I can take pride of my team, I can also be morally responsible of my team´s bad actions. One can argue that that tackle was dangerous, or that he was overwhelmed by the upcoming defeat, but the bottom line is that we took aggresive actions against one of  your players. I apologize, admit your victory, and wish you the best of lucks against England. Bring the cup back to the south! We´ll take care of France!.

    Dont expect another victory on 2011 though!

  5. Well done Argentina you deserve respect, you are a wonderful team.

  6. Yeah...yeah - Sort Off!

  7. Me parece muy buena tu reflexion, pero quien dice que un equipo es bueno en futbol o en rugby o en cualquier otro deporte. Argentina no es bueno? Llego hasta donde llego contra las grandes potencias incluyendo sudafrica sabiendo que es un deporte amateur y con poco presupuesto. Preguntate eso (askyourself that) translate it if u want to know what im talking about.
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