
Arggg I hate my Big b***s!!?

by  |  earlier

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Arggg, I hate them with a passion. I hate that at work people make rude comments about how big they are, seriously wtf. Ihave always been chesty, a 34C sometimes a D, but recently i shot up to a 34DD. I can't take it anymore!! I tried exercising and not eating, but i lost weight everywhere else. My boby looks unproportionate. I'm 5'6 with a thin waist and i wear a size 11 in pant size. I'm 18 and i know there not done growing yet. Oh,...sorry this wasn't supposed to be this long. Anyway, tell my what you think, please don't be gross tho.




  1. Just keep up the exercise. If that doesn't work, in a few years maybe look into breast reduction. My mother has had to get 2 breast reductions! Don't stop eating though, that's too unhealthy! Maybe look into getting a personal trainer.

    Good Luck!

  2. well if you are having back pain, etc than maybe you can get breast reduction if your serious about it, and most cases your insurance will pay for it.

  3. i feel your pain but for my bum=( but honestly be greatful your not flat chested. soem people are just jelous i have a but thats kidna huge but who cares hun it makes you ...YOU. just live on=)

  4. Just be grateful for them! I'm 17 and a 32E/F (depending on the bra)...and hopefully have stopped growing. But I'm seeing so many women who don't like the size of their b*****s. I love mine and wouldn't change them at all, I wouldn't want to go any smaller but if I get a bit bigger I won't mind (unless it starts causing me problems). If it really gets too much, you could consider a breast reduction but just wait and see what happens.

  5. yes, this is a problem i see with a few young women hun. Sometimes, when you have a good personal trainer when you work out they can reccomend some good exerices which only target the chest for weight loss there :) Otherwise i would see your doctor and they can recomment some exercises, massages that can be done for you, otherwise you could end up with back pain when you are older, if they get any heavier. You can buy big bra's which can 'flatten' them down a bit, but not too much as its not good for you long term. The only other option is to wait until your a bit older and having a breast reduction. Take care, email me if you need anything xx as for the comments people say, ignore them, people always have something rude to say. Say something back to them and stand up for yourself girl x

  6. well, i can't stand my SMALL b***s, but I guess that doesn't help your question... I guess I would say that you could try for clothes that don't show too much, so it wouldn't attract attention to them. like babydoll shirts for example, attract attention to them. don't not eat!! its really unhealthy, and won't help your confidence anyways! try to be happy with who you are as a person, not so much as what your body looks like. it can take a lot of stress off. as far as those rude comments, hold your head high and ignore them. if its a huge deal, talk to your boss about all the c**p you're getting... he/she will definately have a talk with them...

  7. If you are having back pain you can get a breast reduction (girls as young as 14 get this procedure).

  8. I know how ya feel.  I used to be a 34C and now I'm a 38D and almost a DD cup.  I hate them.  They get in the way.   They are so sensitive and sore and knowing my luck one day I'll jump up to get something and get hit in the face!  

    Anyhoo, but seriously you can try losing weight and see if that helps but it might not help much.  I lost some weight and my chest got a little smaller.  You could try finding a very supportive, full coverage bra and that might help them look a little smaller.  That's what I do.  

    I'm sorry you get comments about your chest but understand it's probably just jealousy and the rest of the comments are from immaturity and ignorance.  

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