

by  |  earlier

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have you ordered online? and if so how long did you wait fot the conformation E-Mail? beacuse i ordered some £104 pound weights last week and still waiting to recieve an E-mail




  1. They took my money online and i never heard from then again. They are cowboys, anyone who enters their card details into their site i`d suggest you kiss goodbye to your money! You`ll never see the product you asked for.

  2. I got a confirmation e-mail straightaway. When you pay for the goods you get a unique order number. Give them a ring and quote that.

  3. I always receive the confirmation email within a minute, contact them to check that they have received your order.

  4. The confirmation came within minutes. If I were you I would definitely ring them and find out what is going on. Also check your account to see if they have taken the money for the weights.

  5. shoulnt take that long only a few mins

  6. My email came straight away. call there customer service team on  0845 640 2020 or email them.

  7. Usually within about 5 minutes - get on to them

  8. have you checked that the money was actually taken from your bank account?

  9. Normally the email comes through within minutes - are you sure you gave right email address?  Get onto them asap.

  10. I've ordered on-line with Argos on several occasions and received my conformation email straight away. Are you sure your order went through okay, is your email allowing it to come through as sometimes it will redirect such messages into your spam folder thinking its junk, I'd ring them up as if you ordered last week it will only take about 2-3 days for it to come to your house if you ordered home delivery, when you ordered you should have been given an order number so you will need to give that to the Argos customer services person on the other end of the phone, I certainly can't see a well known company like Argos taking your money deliberately without sending out the item you have purchased, I've had no problems, good luck!

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