
Argument Starter...?

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That's what Reader's Digest calls this little snippet.

It's from the June issue -- what do you think?

"Having a husband creates an extra seven hours a week of housework for women...

A wife saves men from about an hour of housework a week."




  1. Game Over:

    You lose 7 - 1

  2. I think a wife saves a man at least 10 hours a week of housework.  If you add kids into the mix, and the man is a Dad with full custody of the children, and then gets married, I think we are talking 20 hours a week.  

    I agree with the other saying of how a husband makes you have to work, harder.

    I DOES depend on the man.  My husband did his own laundry, and cooked.  He did things around the house that were specifically for him.  I did all the generic work, until I got so mad, that a marriage counselor told us just to hire a maid.  It really helped with my anger..

  3. Another empowering woman's statement based on a male bashing.

    I hate these stupid generalizations which are probably based on "stats".  Another stupid interpretation with "Information Regurgitation" as background evidence.

  4. There seems to be a 6 hr discrepancy ?

  5. If a woman choose to be a stay at home wife/mom then it's only fair and reasonable that she does the majority of the houseworks.

    Even when two people are working; men still tend to work more hours than women, so it's only fair and make sense that women do more houseworks.

  6. That can't be true.

    I'll catch it for this, I'm sure,but - as a man I want more than an hour a week for the trouble!

    EDIT - ROFL!  there are some serious POSERS in this crowd aren't there?

  7. I can kinda see this being true. Maybe a little exaggerated though.   Men living on their own do probably on an hour of housework a week..yes.   Once they get married, most do only ZERO housework.   So, the men leave their c**p on the table, clothes on the floor, added dishes ( they always eat ), more laundry. Men suck at picking up after themselves. So, I guess I see the added hours as a wife. 7 might be a little much, but atleast 4 or 5, i'm sure.

  8. "A wife saves men from about an hour of housework a week."- And adds about an hour of heart-ache for the husband a week.

    See, no arguments ! :-D

  9. the only thing i can think of that would add to the housework, would be his laundry - and that shouldn't take 7 hours.  I don't think it takes into account the things he does do that saves her time like mowing the lawn, stopping at the store, getting the car fixed/washed, cleaning the gutters, painting, hanging, and fixing stuff.

    A wife saves a man from ALL the housework because if his mother won't do it, then it doesn't get done.

    So, I think they're both bogus.

  10. Blah blah blah. Dumb. Some statistics are just not accurate. The title should have read.. "When two people get married, the housework doubles."  Because there are two of them in one home!

  11. It's true. Having a husband can also make a woman loose all ambition in favor of supporting her husband's and kids goals instead. Family sucks.

  12. I HATE statements like that - making women out to be saviours for men, and men just burdens to women.

    But if we're gonna play that game of generalizations, how bout this....

    Having a husband saves women countless dollars each year in car repairs, light household maintenance (plumbing, etc).

    Having a wife costs men their masculinity, having to live in houses decorated for women's tastes...

  13. I've questioned this same issue.. why are women more obsessive compulsive about cleaning than men?

  14. only an hour!??, its definately not worth investing in a wife, low return on investment ROI and rapid depreciation.

  15. It's not the husband that creates the extra work - it's the kids and the pets!

  16. Women are lovely creatures who as wives WORK

    very hard.  A wife saves a man about a million hours of housework a week.  Many of us guys don't really appreciate our wives until after divorce.  Ugg did I say that...?

  17. My husband doesn't create that much housework. Know who does around here? Our children! LOL They make way more of a mess than my husband does.

    I will say, I do pretty much all the housework around here. Know why? Because I am the one who is home all day long every day. It's my job.

    If this statement is based on facts, this is a fact too. Alot of women won't let their husbands do the housework because they don't think he does a good enough job. It isn't always that men are lazy....sometimes it's because the women are overbearing.

  18. True! But it doesn't take into account who does the paid work or sorts out the finances... the husband is likely to be the breadwinner. I don't think there's anything wrong with having defined roles in a relationship, as long as it all balances out in the end. It would only be an argument starter for me if I was working full time, doing all the housework and looking after the children. :)

  19. So it takes a woman 7 hours to do what a man can do in one.


  20. Of course it is.  People with poor marriages who do not support one another are automaticlly going to say "Yes, this person drags me down", those with good marriages are going to defend their marriage or the work they do for it.

    Personally I do not think I am doing any more work than I would if I were single.  In fact I think I do less because I have such a wonderful husband who helps out and is very supportive.

  21. My wife does the laundry and I do the dishes. My wife does the cooking and I mow the lawn, trim the bushes and take out the trash.

    Explain to me how this is me being taken care of and not the two of us taking care of each other.

  22. Just another journalist who is expressing his or hers biased view.

    This argument can only be possibly based on a stereotypical one sided marriage.

  23. i doubt readers digest would get away with printing something which blatantly insinuated that women were both inept and why insinuate this about men...i don't want my son raised in a culture that speaks this way of either s*x!

  24. That's just an average. In my household, my dad works less, so he does the majority of the chores. Nonetheless, there should definitely be more equity when it comes to housework.

  25. "Having a husband creates an extra seven hours a week of housework for women...

    A wife saves men from about an hour of housework a week."

    Apparently, the wife is using 6 hours inefficiently.

    7 hours minus 1 equals six.

    Edit: Skull, that is great and funny.

  26. An argument starter for those who want to waste their time; I'm not so good-bye.
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