
Arguments for God has boxed Him up?

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But boxing him up, I meant leaving him no room for arguments for him to exist.

If we were to take all the arguments for the existence of God, then He'd have no way of existing.

People said that God cannot give proof that He exist, for that would make people lose faith, to give evidence would mean that He cannot exist.

But according the religion, We are proof of His existence, does that mean that He cannot exist?

Besides that, according to religion, God can do everything, even impossible ones (something from nothing). But when asked if He could create something so heavy that even He cannot lift, religion cannot answer...

Here's another one, God knows all and has a plan, yet then He gives us free will, by then, how can He have a plan?


So what do you think? If we were to take all arguments FOR God and put them all together, would that prove once and for all that God cannot exist?


Arguments AGAINST God collaborate, they do not contradict each other, and have solid fact backing them up.




  1. There is ABSOLUTELY NO credible, tangible, verifiable evidence that would support the existence of any 'god' and those who believe in such supernatural entities are guilty of self-deception.

  2. Hey Z, oh Z listen to yourself, can you here me now, hello! HELLOOO!

    These are lewd, an lascivious  acts and should not be responded too, and I show my agreement by answering to these.

    Thanks for answering my next question "Is there life after death" now I know.

    Thank YU

    Oh I forgot OOPS, won't see ya at the END.

    I did edit my response for I was warned thank you for your question.

  3. if  you do  not   believe  God,  go  on  your  way  and  we  do  not  force  anybody  to  believe  if  do  not  want  to.Believe  what  you  want  to  believe  and   we  will  believe  what  we  want  to  believe.

    Psa 1:1  God blesses those people who refuse evil advice and won't follow sinners or join in sneering at God.

    Psa 1:2  Instead, the Law of the LORD makes them happy, and they think about it day and night.

    Psa 1:3  They are like trees growing beside a stream, trees that produce fruit in season and always have leaves. Those people succeed in everything they do.

    Psa 1:4  That isn't true of those who are evil, because they are like straw blown by the wind.

    Psa 1:5  Sinners won't have an excuse on the day of judgment, and they won't have a place with the people of God.

    Psa 1:6  The LORD protects everyone who follows him, but the wicked follow a road that leads to ruin.  

  4. No, the arguments for God are usually given in the right manner, in fact, at times, I've seen many people cheer for their own favorite teams in sports more!  They are definitely louder!  LOL!  RROOO! RROOO! RROOO! Go Texans!  Get my point? he, hee, hee.

  5. God WILL NOT GIVE PROOF because he gave us free will to decide our faith have you ever seen a miracle? i have. The proof that there is a God is seen through people. There is a man whos son was shot and killed for no reason and the father forgave the boy who killed his son and helped that boy get a job and raised him as his own son {true story look it up} how can u not see God in that. When a cripple boy walks into the basilica of st.ann in quebec city with a crutch and walks out without one {i witnessed it} that is God.. God knows that we will break off from him on our own will..that is why at the end of days he will make the judgement on if we should go with him or go to h**l for our choices.

  6. Oh wise one, "box God up"?  Are you freakin' kidding me?

    I ask Lord Jesus that your Spirit of Love strengthen and encourage all TRUE believers today as we fight this spiritual battle.  Do not let us be dishearted.  Realize in us the boldness of Your authority.  SO BE IT!

  7. Those who know God know The Truth... those who do not know God do not... My personal experience with God can not be "proved" to any one... nor can any other of The Church(God's people) prove God to you... when God wants you to know He will let you know... you, of course, will have the option of accepting the proof, or rejecting it... your choice..

    The only "argument" against God is simply that "he does not exist". There has never been any actual"evidence" against God... just statements that "he does not  exist"

    God offers "proof" to those who come to Him in The Way he prescribes. God chooses not to offer proof to those who reject Him.

    God is The Creator of this universe. The account of Creation does not say how, or with what, God Created. Only that He Created... As God and the angels existed in a realm beyond this universe there obviously has to be ample resources for Him to have used to create this universe. And to stock it with all that is needed to nourish the seeds He has planted here. That is all mankind needs to know. God will reveal more in His time.

    Within this universe God is in control. He can do what he sees fit with any part of His creation. God chooses  not to do some things... just because what God does, or does not do, does not fit your, or any man's, ideas of how it should be, does not mean man is right and God is wrong... or does not exist.

    God makes The Rules... play by God's Rules... or... ultimately... you lose.

  8. Good argument. This is probably one of the best ways I've heard it put. but beware, the fanatics are coming ;)

  9. I think the fact that there are questions we cannot answer concerning God shows that this is not just a 'man-made' religion. If it were, it would be a lot more simplified.

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