
Arguments for and against the asteroid theory?

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Arguments for and against the asteroid theory?




  1. I'm going to go out on a limb and pretend you are talking about asteroids causing mass extinctions.  This was a popular idea several years ago but the evidence is lacking for any extinction except the K-T event as described by the Alvarez team.  That the dinosaurs died suddenly due to asteroid impact is now almost universally accepted.  The evidence is compelling.  For several years after that theory gained acceptance, it was fashionable to blame asteroids for EVERY mass extinction.  The problem was there was no evidence.  The culprit seems to be warming of the atmosphere by major flood basalt eruptions and resulting changes in oceanic water structure.  Release of Hydrogen sulfide gas in quantity also seems to be a major factor.  I would suggest a very readable book: Under a Green Sky: Global Warming, the Mass Extinctions of the Past, and What They Can Tell Us About Our Future

    by Peter D. Ward

    to anyone wishing to learn about these calamitous events.

  2. Clarify what you mean by "The Asteroid Theory."

    Otherwise, I'm left with only this answer:

    Argument For: There are asteroids, I can see them with a telescope.

    Argument Against: I don't own a telescope, therefore asteroids don't exist.

  3. Kind of ambiguous question, sugar. Whatcha mean by "asteroid theory?"

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