There seems to be a lot of waffling on the AGW proponent side about it 's existence.
What does the historical evidence tell us? Farming on Greenland? Burials in what is now permafrost?
How warm would it have had to been for these phenomenons to occur?
If it was warm enough for these phenomenons, could it really have been a local Northern Hemisphere event as I've heard it suggested?
What was the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere at this point in history?
Is ice core data and tree ring evidence as reliable as these historical oddities?
Why did Mann exclude this period from his graph? And further, why is it seem the period is so down-played by proponents, if it is not relative to the current warming?
That's a lot of questions? I guess the most direct and universal answer would be to provide clear evidence that the whole thing didn't occur to begin with.