
Arguments for child discipline by smacking?

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I want to know some good points about smacking a child with relevant examples for my essay.

Can someone list out few good points with explanation and possible examples?




  1. It depends on which culture you live in. I know for a fact that it's OK to spank, smack and shake your kid in France if he did or said something bad or disobeyed. It has to do (I think) with the way French parents easily snap into anger and irritation, preferring punishing over explaining, reprimanding instead of teaching.

    On the other hand, in Scandinavia it's considered a crime to lay a hand on your child and they can even divorce their parents in certain conditions. Children are considered as grown ups and get a lot of respect. They can get away with a lot, too.

    It's very difficult to draw a line regarding parental authority and punishment. All forms of violence (physical or not) can cause trauma and damage on a kid.

    Let's say you have very special circumstances where physical discipline is the only effective method to carry out a lesson. Perhaps you're training a batch of selected kids to become super-soldiers and you need to make them resistant to pain and mental pressure. There's your chance to give them a good smacking. And also why not a good kick in the butt as well to prepare them for sneaky attacks. No guarantee that this is all regarded as legal by any means. It's just an example!

    Anyway, good luck on your paper!

  2. Operant Conditioning: Behavior followed by undesirable stimuli decreases the frequency of that behavior if the actor ties the behavior to the consequences.

    Caution: It's way better to encourage good behavior that displaces bad behavior. Punishment can lead to a general decrease in behavior, which ultimately can result in learned helplessness.  Learned helplessness means you have made someone into a passive, unmotivatable wreck.  This works for both kids, spouses, friends, and employees.

    Save the smacks for dire situations like kids running into the street, playing with fire, electricity. Punishments are convenient and more difficult than reinforcements. Still punishments verbal and otherwise are not effective for getting people to do things as opposed to stopping behaviors. Even in this, it has real limits.

       My kid ran into the street not thinking it was an important rule not to, I spanked him right then and there to make the association between behavior and consequence salient.  He remembers because I seldom use this so the meaning and effect wasn't diluted with a lot of convenience punishment from me.

      Anyone can show examples of this in their own life, what is more meaningful is the empirical evidence of "behavior modification".

  3. ok.

    My dad used to spank me on the bottom when i was young. It MAKES a child realize that what he/she did was wrong and if they do it again they have to face the painful consequence. Putting a child in thier room or on a chair or in a "naughty corner" doesnt do much except annoy them. Spanking doesnt ruin a relationship with the parents. I was extremely close with my dad. It makes the kid respect you. When a child is in thier room or any other room they will most likly mess up the room or play with toys, which is not a punishment. When thier in a corner it gets them pissed off and they start a tantrum.

    Hope i helped :]

    and no, spanking on the bottom is not abuse as long as you dont leave a bruise.

  4. I think a smack on the behind is ok so they know it's a bad thing they did.  And if the smack remains on the bottom, they learn and see, smacking on other parts of the body isn't ok to do to others.

    Smacking their poor little faces is uncalled for!!

  5. I dont believe in abusing a child but a good whooping here and there is fine. With fear comes respect. Lord knows I had my share.

  6. Teaching a child self-defense is good discipline.

    When you smack the child, the child will learn to block, roll, and find leverage point for counter-attack.

    The earlier the better.  Chuck Norris was smacked as infant, now he is tough, and takes no smack from nobody.

  7. Smackin' em on the butt fer smartin' off is okay!

  8. To smack a child on the face is very disrespectful, It could also create low self esteem problem for them and instill violence in them.

  9. An interesting thing about smacking your kid...  Have you ever been in a shopping centre, and seen a kid acting like a complete brat, and finally, the parent will give the kid a smack on the butt to try and bring them back in to line?  What do you feel when you see that?  I surprised myself when I noticed that I was judging the parents when they did that, thinking they should have been able to control their kid before it got to the stage of hitting them.  I've chatted to a few people about it, and we noticed we all sort of subconsciously would judge the parents for hitting the kid, even though we personally don't see anything wrong with using the smack on the rear as punishment.  Strange, hey?

  10. The Bible says "Spare the Rod, spoil the child".  I believe this.  Sometimes time out and go to your room don't cut it.  I was spanked as a child and because of it I think I am a better person.  I don't believe in smacking children in the face, but on the behind or on the legs, yes.  They use this, spanking the behind, in many southern school systems and it works.

  11. It depends on how old they are for smacking and what kind of smacking..

    I have noticed that people who lightly smacked a small child to make them mind and disciplined them as growing up

    have less trouble with the children.. but i am just talking

    lightly so they get the message. but the ones who don't want to hurt their phyc because they will make them cry or etc and

    they usually are not consisent with raising them and can't be bothered and raising children is very hard and those who say

    it is easy are usually the ones who let them do everything and then when they are 17 or 18 or older have run out of things

    to experience life so they go for  all the taboo stuff plus

    murder ,some just for kicks they say. but i think those that do murder have something wrong with them anyway.

    no discipline , they are disrespectful and i do not think they

    teach young people to stand up when there is only one chair and give it to the old.. thats another thing thats gone.  I also notice that the parents expect children to be treated as adults

    instead of children, like grab the last chair and not answer if

    an adult says hello, how are you.. and i am talking when they

    are with their parents.. alot and i mean alot of children are

    not children..and are rude and the parent does nothing..

  12. there is really no good points about smacking a child, The number 1 good point is hopefully once you smack that child he or she wont do it again, The other ones are bad points, if you smack a child in public its child abuse if someone sees you, Number 2, thagt child could have you under arrest for child abuse, and number 3, That child will grow up to beleive that he or she can smack other children if he wants his own way, and they end up smacking their spouse or children, there is no end, But there is nooo good points in smacking a chilldren

  13. You should never smack a child. . . a spanking (not beating) yes but never smack.

  14. I think spanking can a very good way to correct children. I know growing up I'm the oldest of 7 and all of the kids were spanked and after one time you learned your lesson and knew not to do that again. Smacking can also be a good punishment, for taking things or getting into things. Smacking a child on the hand will let them know not to get into that stuff anymore. I also feel, a smack to the face when the child is talking back consistently will let them know that talking back will not be allowed. As a parent it is a way to show your authority, and when your kids are grown they will also realize that there is a line between beating your kids and punishing them enough to know they did wrong. Just be sure to know your strength and not be too rough as to leave bruises because, the point is not to hurt them permanently but let them know what they did was wrong and this is what happens when you continue doing these things.

  15. Smacking them is a bad example so is hitting them so if you treat them nicely eventually they will come to there conscious and be a good kid

  16. spare the rod and spoil the child

    read the bible

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