Basically I went out with him all throught school and we got engaged in our last year, When I left I decided I wanted to be single so we broke up 3 months later he met a girl 2 years later he married her they moved abroad and then broke up after 6 years he's now back in the uk an got in touch. We met up he came to mine and met up with all my family again came to a friends bbq (where he didnt know anyone) came to a social night at the pub, all my friends said he's still really into me from things he was saying i.e if she hadnt have dumped me i'd have married her. Then I didnt hear from him for a few days the constant texts stopped I got an email from his ex wife saying rebounds never work etc so i told him an he took me out that night an explained the real reason they broke up (which was nothing whatsever to do with him, she cheated) Since then he was really cold untill 2 weekends ago i text to say i was out and he text back telling me where he was so we met up i was with a friend an