
Aries and Leo= Match made in heaven?

by Guest44649  |  earlier

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Is it true. Cause I have

been reading alot of love

horoscopes and for Aries

it says that Leo is an

Aries match made in heaven.

Is it?




  1. Well, most of the time, elemental relationships often work. Aries is more fiery and Leo is more under control. Well, it is only made in heaven if both are willing to be committed to each other. If not, both Aries and Leos' egotistical behaviors will get the best of them.  

  2. A beautiful and strong compatibility exists between a Leo and an Aries zodiac sign. Both of them are unconventional and passionate people. But the Aries tries to dominate the Leo and this sign is a born ruler. This is where the conflict arises between the Leo and the Aries. However, there compatibility with each other makes them overcome these differences.

  3. Im Aries , if you want the real HIGH class ROYALTY type of girls they are leo girls.

    Ive been with two leo girls they are what we want !

  4. I am a leo, my best relationship was with an aries.. my best friend is an aries and we are inseperable. aries are too stuborn for a leos

  5. Yes i think so lol i'am Leo and my Husband is Aries, And we love each other a lot it clash sometimes because we are both fire sign and stubborn but i guess in every relation you've your ups & downs.

  6. Does Astrology really pay a key part in your relationships? If so, then I would say yes, but please take my personal experience on this one:

    Don't judge your relationships based off a horoscope. Actually horoscopes are inaccurate anyway and are backed by no scientific proof. Again, if you want to delude yourself into believing that the stars make the match, than more power to ya! (Ignorance is bliss)

    If you really want a good relationship maybe you should look at the person rather than that person's birthday!

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