
Aries and aquarius....can it work?

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just curious if its possible for an aries and an aquarius to live together happily? I'm an aquarius and my fiancee is an aries and we get along so amazingly well...its ridiculous how much we have in common




  1. zodiac signs don't mean anything except star and planet location at the time of birth. they won't affect peoples ability to be friends unless those people make a issue of them.

  2. The reason why I chose to answer ur question is coz- thats exactly the relationship I was in....

    Now basing a decision like this on Zodiacs might not be smart..but in my experience..

    I loved the guy, had the longest relationship with him ..... but then I realised I was giving up way too much of me.... coz i was in love with who he was...

    we had a lot in common and wherever we were different, we enjoyed that too..

    Bottom line- being an Arien I was ready to change my life around in the name of love- coz change is good.

    But Aquarians love how life is... they can't accept change v easily.

    Aries are full of action, Aquarians day dream a LOT.

    again for a  while u enjoy it.... but then u feel restricted.

    I broke up 2 yrs ago... he is still in love with me...but I don think I can ever get back with him....

    so take ur chance and see where it goes- lemme know if there is something I could learn from ur exp.

  3. Definitely! It is a very good match.

  4. im sorry but i dont believe that you zodiac signs should get in the way of ur relationship. if you get on well with each other, dont let a piece of paper tell you that you shouldnt get on.

  5. if u get along so well i wouldn't worry about ur zodiac signs, that should have no effect on ur relationship.

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