
Aries gal & romantic at heart. do these have anything to do with each other?may be a little long but help?

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okay so i was born on april 14th. i know i am an aries and like everything they say about aries women is true to me and my life. but ive never heard anything about being a romantic at heart having to deal with being aries. i was wondering does it or is it just at random who is.

what does it really mean to be a true romantic at heart? i have been called one many a times and i would just like to know. what really is a true romantic? what is your idea of a true romantic? what is expected of one?

i know that i keep having these dreams that show this romantic side of me like being in a locker room and everybody singing fall for you by secondhand serenade as my crush walks in and comes over to kiss me. i have also had a dream where i did actually have a dream (which i still need help on so please check out my last question:;_ylt=Av7TmYG92_B1MUbMY.Yfm8_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080820130302AADtqJk )

thank you in advance for anything and everything.




  1. .... I'm capricorn!

  2. Well I'm a guy and i consider myself a romantic at heart.

    For me personally; i am rather philosophical and open minded and sorta idealistic at times.As far as romance....i do have a pipe dream type ideal of having some movie style romance at times of the corny case of going on a date and you end up sitting by the person and your eyes meet and you kiss in that cheesy movie like style.

    More less i do think about romantic things alot when I'm in love with someone or have a crush; i just by default think about romantic things.I've long since labeled myself as a hopeless romantic to be honest.

    To answer your question; i think a person romantic at heart; is one that often romanticise's situations with themselves and another individual.

    P.S-i don't really believe in the whole astrological signs and their definitions but to throw it out there,i am a taurus; though i don't think that has anything to do with a person's personality or heart:)

  3. mainly being romantic is showing someone that you truly care about them. and anyone can be romantic at anytime it doesnt matter what astrological sign you are.

  4. I to am an Aries...find yourself a Libra.  All things point to them including the chinese thingy.  I married a Libra and have been with him for 20 + years.  But my question to you is:  Do you have a problem with male Virgos? ( late Aug-mid Sept)

  5. Meh astronomical signs mean nothing.

  6. I Love to be in love.

  7. I do not believe that your astronomical sign matters in the slightest.

    A romantic is someone who believes in love and either is in love or really wants to be in love, because they appreciate everything good it does.  

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