
Aries north node and significance?

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Is Aries north node kind of like a rising sign?? If not, what exactly does it mean?? I am wondering how it relates to me.




  1. The North Node represents the kinds of experiences that you must work to grow spiritually. The sign your north node is in will suggest how you should express your sun sign through. Basically you should act like an Aries in order to be happy. With your N. Node in Aries you should: project your personality; go after what you want and take care of your own best interest; polish up your self image and feel confident with that image; put yourself "out there" in no uncertainty.

  2. *North Node in Aries

    You are learning to strike out on your own in this life. You will make fortunate contacts with people who are very assertive, independent and brave.

    *South Node in Libra

    You need to break away from indecisiveness and dependence on others. You need to learn to accept periods of disharmony and/or independence.

    *Hope this helps :)

    The North-South Node polarity is like a magnet pulling you in opposite directions, a dynamic attraction and repulsion. As if you didn't already have enough oppositions, squares and other conflicting energy in your chart - the Nodes add karmic lessons to the tangled planetary web - but these are quite easily unraveled because the answer to the karmic residue of the South Node is in the promise of the North Node. It's a simple concept, but not necessarily simple to understand as it applies to your life. I call it a "push-me, pull-you" effect. You are drawn to personal growth and change in this lifetime by the North Node, and pulled back in time to past-life energy by the South Node.

    The North Node - New Horizons

    The North Node brings you opportunities to connect with others who can lead you out of your own particular South Node darkness and drudgery, and into the light of a new horizon. Look to the house and sign position of the North Node for new ways of being, potential friends and allies, talents yet unrealized, and heart and soul opening experiences. You will undoubtedly attract people who help fulfill or represent your North Node potential. Be aware that you might project your dreams upon them, thus failing to live up to your own potential and falling back into your negative South Node habits. You can avoid this pitfall by recognizing and realizing the potential within yourself!

    The South Node - "Been There, Done That"

    The South Node is telling you what you're leaving behind. This is a clue to patterns of existence so deeply ingrained in your personality by past experience that you don't need to go there anymore - except to eliminate excess baggage. Stemming from many lifetimes, the South Node behavior has been overdone somehow. You may have developed bad habits through repetition, and are still carrying outworn personality patterns. These are indicated by the House (realm of life) and Sign (way of expression) in which you find the South Node. You will undoubtedly meet up with people who represent bits and pieces of this energy, and with whom you will ultimately have a falling out as you grow in consciousness.

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