
Aries vs scorpio?

by Guest57413  |  earlier

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aries male vs scorpio female

who is the winner?????




  1. im an aries and im a girl but anyway i think aries would win, they are more violent and in other ways just awesome!

  2. My sister's a Scorpio and her husband's an Aries. He tried testing her, he learned the hard way, so I'd go with Scorpio female.

  3. I'm neither one of them, but I say female Scorpio, because a scorpion is more powerful and dangerous than a goat. One sting from a scorpion and you're dead! Hope I helped!

  4. once an aries male decides to not be with you anymore he will not usually ever come back. he dont play games, his intentions are always known, and hes not typically a grudge holder so what ever his actions are right away is probably the only thing he will do. scorpios on the other hand will want paybacks which will quite possibly stir another reaction from the aries which when provoked will be vicious.

    i say since aries male can detach from the situation quickly after it happens and scorpio will obsess over it, and the fact aries dont will mentally drive the scorpio insane, on that alone aries wins cause scorpio is still thinking about it long after and aries is already happily in the arms of someone new.

  5. scorpio female.

    even as an aries, I would have to say a scorpio's demeanor would win.

    I know that my scorpio mother has won over me all of these years, but I'm starting to embrace my aries self and am fighting back!

  6. I know both Aries and Scorpio people.  One of my best friends is a Scorpio female and she is an awesome person but dang I would NEVER want to get on her bad side.  A Scorpio female would take down ANY male sign.  She would lay waiting behind some rock . . . patiently then when the Aries crossed her path she would dart out, wrap all of those legs around him, then sting the living c**p out of him.  Ouchy, game over, RIP Aries dude, it sucked to be you.

    Leo here . . .

  7. definitely scorp female

  8. Well, I'll tell you from my own experience that I, being an Aries woman have WON over 3 different scorpio women.  They come off to be hard and powerful where in deed they are weak inside.  I'm opposite.  I come off to be passive and weak but am no where near that.  You push me to the point you will find out the hard way.  I'm in a battle right now with my ex-scorpio friend of 20 years.  She pop off at the mouth and I forgive but it happens way too often.  Now that I've made up my mind to be done with her she's become obsessed, she's on my voicemail crying, calling me several times a day, emailing me, etc.... I'm done!  The exact same thing happened to another scorpian associate of mine years ago.  She play all hard and so forth but when I strike I strike with agression and she couldn't handle it either.  She came back months later apologizing and begging for forgiveness.  Now the questions is who would win?  Uuuummmhhh Aries has WON on more than one occassion.

  9. take my word for it aries will always win as the other commentor sed scorpios just cant move on they become weak inside and they get obsessive they try to make other believe they are over something well nothing could be further from the truth. Whereas aries dont waste their time thinking about the situation to much they know they gotta move on and they do while scorps are lagging behind sorry scorpss

  10. well I know that the scorpio male can't even withstand the scorpio female

    so what do you think?

    it's definately the scorpio female that would win

  11. Scorpio Women! Scorpios are born Winners, look at Bill Gates, Scorpio, need I say More!

  12. SCORPIO!!!

  13. win in what?? what are you talking about? Please be more clear because this does not make any sense at all!!

  14. i don't know because both have hot tempers when they are mad!! oh wow!! this is a bad combonation big

    i would hate to see these 2 signs in a knock down drag out fight !!

  15. Aries male

    HAHA I love how all the Scorpios come out of the woodwork  to answer.

    Aries is almost always the winner... or do  you people not have any Aries friends??

    Scorpios are weird, obsessive, slow thinking, and drain themselves to exhaustion.

  16. Absolutely no contest. The Scorpio woman will win every time. Im not even taking sexual sides because i am male. Aries people are self absorbed, arrogant, and tend to act before they think. Scorpio is probably the most powerful sexual sign in the zodiac and couple that with the fact it is a Scorpio female i would only take bets on how and when the poor bloke gets creamed.

  17. Im a scorpio so I have to say SCORPIO FEMALE!!!:)

  18. sorry hun its has to be the Scorpio female, although you Aries are a fire sign, Lil miss Scorpio has got a sting in her tail and the most important thing is.......she is a woman therefor quite capable of dishing out pain in ways you cannot believe!!!

    but as a get together wow its a little bit steamy!
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