
Aristotle and Plato. Who was particulars and who was universals?

by Guest34362  |  earlier

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Aristotle and Plato. Who was particulars and who was universals?




  1. I think that they are both universal, its just that Aristotle found the universals in particular things, and Plato believed that universals exist apart from particular things.

  2. Plato called universals "Forms". he thought they were eternal and otherworldly (immaterial). he argued that everything we see, all the particulars, exist because of their participation in the Forms. most importantly, Forms are closer to reality than particulars are. so everything we see is a kind of illusion, and even we ourselves are less real than the Forms.

    Aristotle was the original buzz-kill (just my opinion), he was the most prominent materialist of his time. he believed that the particulars are as real as it gets, and argued that universals are simply mental constructs that we build and develop over time.

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