
Arizona Black Rattle Snake...How deadly is it.?

by Guest67022  |  earlier

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Arizona Black Rattle Snake...How deadly is it.?




  1. Here in North America about 75% of all pit viper bites are what are referred to as "dry bites"; the snake is capable of injecting as much or as little (or none at all) venom as it wants, it knows a human is too big to eat, so doesn't waste venom on us. Most venomous snake bites occur on males aged 18 - 32 with a little help from a 6 pack or two or three or a bottle of hard liquor. With medical treatment, you WILL NOT DIE FROM THE BITE OF ANY NATIVE SNAKE IN NORTH AMERICA. As a matter of fact, in some cases antivenin will cause more problems than the venom itself, for some reason, the human body isn't always happy to have horse plasma injected into it. There are newer antivenins available now made with sheep's blood and even albumin from chicken eggs that aren't rejected by our immune system as often.

  2. hmmm...scratches head.....

  3. Well, let's put it this way, I'd rather take my chance with a shark!

  4. Deadly enough to kill you.

  5. if biten then you have a 50/50 chance of dieing

  6. every rattlesnake is extremely dangerous and can cause death if the venom is not treated with anti-venom.

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