
Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher Trevor Cahill ready for debut game – MLB News

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Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher Trevor Cahill ready for debut game – MLB News
The Arizona Diamondbacks’ starting pitcher Trevor Cahill is ready to pitch his first throw against the San Diego Padres since joining the franchise in 2012.
Prior joining the Diamondbacks this summer, he played in the Oakland Athletics’ franchise for two years. However, now he looks in great touch to throw his first pitch on Thursday evening when the Diamondbacks will be playing their second regular series against
the Padres.
Cahill said recently, "You never know who will come, all the emotions of Opening Day are over and you just kind of want to get into the grind of things and the flow of the actual game, I think slowly that excitement from Opening Day goes down and you can
start looking at the season as a marathon and not a sprint."
Later, the Diamondbacks manager Kirk Gibson also commented in the media about newly arrived Cahill and how he is settling down in the team. He said, "He started overthrowing, we talked about it. It's something we're going to keep an eye on. We've got to
find a mechanism for him. He really gets hyped up. You wouldn't think he would; he seems like a really laid-back guy."
Cahill, who has showed some enormous amount of energy in this year’s Major League Baseball Spring Training and proved his game when the manager and general manager both approved his roster spot for the 2012 season.
On the other hand, looking at Cahill’s own statement for his game and about the chances of his being helpful to the team, are somewhat gives a slight positive idea of his game approach.
In the meanwhile, the Diamondbacks’ success also depends upon their all pitchers. According to GM Kevin Towers, who at the moment seeing the Diamondbacks’ achieving the ultimate prize of World Series title, has already given a new offensive pitching strategy
that will release the extra pressure from all the Diamondbacks’ hitters.
Experts also believe that though this new strategy of Towers regarding pitchers is still a gamble, but if clicked, the Diamondbacks will inspire many other teams to adopt this new game plan.



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