
Arizona Diamondbacks’ shortstop Stephen Drew to enjoy mid season break – MLB News

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Arizona Diamondbacks’ shortstop Stephen Drew to enjoy mid season break – MLB News
The Major League Baseball All-Star game is scheduled on July 10 while those players who are not participating in the big game are getting ready to spend some time with their families.
Arizona Diamondbacks’ experienced short-stop Stephen Drew is lately expressing his thoughts on this year’s All-Star break that he will be spending some quality time with his family and will try to keep himself out from the baseball field.
"I'm going to take that break and enjoy it, spend time with my family. It's a long season in itself. I'm looking forward to having a little break and hanging out with some family I haven't seen in a while," Drew said on his plans regarding All-Star break.     
Diamondbacks' game against the Los Angeles Dodgers was the last match-up of the first half of the season. As soon as this particular game was over, the entire roster headed their separate ways to enjoy some time off the field.
The long and lengthy baseball season certainly make players tired and they surely feel satisfied when they get some time to make themselves somewhat relaxed.
Like Drew, who is going to meet his family, many players in the Diamondbacks' roster prefer to stay in the city and avoid long trips.                               
Mike Zagurski explained why he will not be going anywhere and said, "Not doing much, really. Going to hang out here, In the past, my wife and I have gone home a couple times. But it's just kind of a hassle -- half-day to get home, half-day to get back; kind of cuts the break short. Just going to stay here, get some dinner, maybe a movie."        
On the other hand, this little all star break gives some days off to the entire Diamondbacks’ roster which is great as all of these players deserve some time to rest.
Diamondbacks, who at start of the season dropped down at the bottom of the National League West, certainly have bounced back and are now sitting comfortably at the third position in the AL West with 42-43 win-loss along with .494 winning percentage.



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